Friend or Foe?

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***Harry's P.O.V***

I let out a groan as Charlie punched me in the gut. Anger was burning in me like nothing before. I glanced around the room, looking for my girl, hoping her face would give me new strength, but I couldn't see her.

"Mel?" I gasped. Charlie looked confused, glancing around the room, eyes going wide when he saw that she was missing, along with CJ and Justin.

"Shit!" he cursed, running his hand through his hair. "They took her!" he shouted, punching the wall next to him.

My anger has now been replaced by worry and anxiety. If Melanie was with Justin and CJ, then she was in trouble. A lot of trouble. I needed to find my baby, and fast. Charlie cursed repeatedly as he ran down the stairs in hope to find her, however, when I heard a loud "fuck!" I knew that we weren't so lucky. Where could she be? Where had they taken my girl. Normally by now I would be screaming, cussing, or bashing somebody up by now, but it felt like all those emotions had been drained from my body. Where anger usually burned in me, was now pure worry. I needed to get my Melanie back. I needed to see her smile, her eyes, I needed to touch her, to kiss her..

"Melanie." I whispered to myself, as if speaking her name, her angelic face would  appear in front of me, leading me to where she was.

"She's gone!" Charlie croaked out, walking into the room. His eyes were glassed over with tears, he too, clearly worried for Melanie.

"No shit Sherlock" I grumbled, my fingers tangling with my curls.

"I hate to break it to you, but acting like a dick won't bring Mel back!" Charlie spat at me.

I stared at Charlie, not words coming out of my mouth. Charlie looked prepared for another insult, but he didn't receive one. I just nodded my head, staring down at the ground. I could practically feel Charlie's surprise fill the room.

As much as I hate to admit it, Charlie was right. I could swear at Charlie, yell at him, hurt him. Hell, I could kill him. But what good would that do? It certainly wouldn't bring my girl back to me. It wouldn't make anything better. If anything, it would make things worse. So for once, I kept my mouth shut.

"Look," Charlie spoke up, his tone now a lot calmer, but pain and worry was still laced in every word, "it's our fault Mel is gone." he sighed.

"I know" I mumbled, feeling utterly defeated.

"So, it's up to us to get her back." he spoke.

"Us?" I repeated. Us? There is no us. Melanie belonged to me, and me alone. Sure, me and Charlie worked together, but it's safe to say our friendship is gone now that we both want the same girl.

"I know that it sounds crazy," he half laughed, "but what other choice do we have?"

I thought about it. He was right. There was no other way. If we tried to do it alone, we would only fight more, making it even harder to go out and find her. Hell, he would even end up killing each other, and then Mel really would be in trouble.

"There is no other choice." I agreed, lifting my head to meet Charlie's gaze.

"So we work together." he sighed. "No fighting, or yelling. Not necessarily for us, but for the girl we both love. We can fight over her when we get her back. But until then, it's us against them, and anybody else that tries to get in our way of Melanie."

"Okay," I sighed, feeling like I had just resorted to my very last option. "But I'm not gonna shake on it, or hug you, or any crap like that." I grumbled.

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