Rant -_-

124 10 3

So something has been pissing me off lately

About the whole Orlando thing

I come from the south (not mocking anyone else from the south, only a few people)

But they posted on Instagram, and it was things like

"The Bible shuns gay people" "They had a right to be attacked" "Why are we mourning gay victims"


Everybody should have the right to love who they love, and be who they are without having to live in fear

Without having to hide who they are because of the public

The shooting in Orlando was very devastating

For people to make fun of that or be rude about it just because it was a gay nightclub, sickens me

All judgement aside, even if you fully believe gays shouldnt marry or whatever, you should atleast put all your views aside and treat them like normal fucking people

Put all views aside because they are people too and they deserve some goddamn respect

No matter what their sexual orientation is

80s and ShitOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz