Overrated 80s celebrities

772 22 37

I'm sorry but this has to be said

I'm in no way saying they aren't talented, I just think they're written about a lot and are made in a bunch of edits and it gets repetitive and annoying sometimes

River Phoenix

-he's one of the number one most overrated 80s celebs I stg

-he's very talented and shit, and a really nice and great person, but my god, it gets annoying seeing him everywhere

Corey Haim

-again, one of the most overrated 80s celebs

-he was a great person, but I see people that put his drug addiction and drug abuse in fanfics, or they sexualized it and it makes me sick OMG

Wil Wheaton

-I really shouldn't be talking bout him since I'm thinking bout adding to it and writing a fanfic, oh well

-he's not the most overrated celebrity but he's talked about a lot


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