types of snapchat stories

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Im gonna do this since im putting off my celebrity rants for another day xD

Dog Face:

-Literally every girl i know has a snapchat story and its nothing but a selfie of her in a car with perfect lighting with the dig face filter

-like i do this too, but thats never all thats in my story, and i stg the caption is almost always "😻😻" or "she say im a dog but it takes one to know one"

Blank Screen:


-Its literally someones sc story ranting about something or saying something stupid with a black screen and a bunch of words

-Usually knowing that most of the time people skip it cause they dont care

No Story:

-That one person you add, and they snapchat you constantly but never have anything on their story

-If they do post something, its never a selfie or something, its always a picture of the sky with the time on it.

The Spam Story:

-There's a special place in hell for people that do this (this used to be me)

-They're always on their story, so much that it takes you almost 5 minutes to get through their story.

-Its either a spam of selfies or videos of them and their friends acting stupid or doing something very illegal

-Literally every skips it as fast as they can cause no one gives a fuck

-These people usually update their story every 10 minutes and have at least 50-100 pics on their story in one day


Comment if in forgetting any types of stories yall 😂

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