Friendship/Relationship Advice for Freshman in HS

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Relationships and friendships start to drastically change in High School, TRUST ME.

So just like my Tips and Advice for freshman chapter, this is my friendship and relationship advice.


1. You aren't forced to do anything you don't wanna do. If your boyfriends wants to have sex but you don't, don't do it. If he wants to do something you aren't comfortable with, don't let him do it, (I learned that one the hard way)

2. If you expect him to treat you like a queen, you have to treat him like a king, it's not one sided.

3. You're gonna cross paths with fuckboys, try to avoid them, they just gon play you.

4. Your relationship is not more important than your school work.

5. Don't push your friends away or choose your boyfriend over them.

6. Try not to assume things that you don't have all the facts for, don't blame him for things that you don't 100% know of.

7. Be careful what you tell them, or text them. They could use that shit against you if y'all break up on a bad note.

8. Relationships take work, if you want something serious or long term, your probably not gonna find that in High School, guys and girls are still immature and still figuring things out, but if you really like someone, and think it'll last long, it's gonna take work.

9. Try and avoid Seniors, from me and my friends past experiences with them, they only want to fuck you (to put it harshly). I've never seen a Senior seriously date a freshman, and y'all will probably look ridiculous being seen together, cause they look WAAAYYY older than you.

10. Don't let people influence you about your love life. If you wanna stay single, stay single, don't let anyone try and force you to have a relationship, if you want a boyfriend, get one, try and look for the right person.


1. Your gonna have drama. Your friends will have drama and most likely get you involved. If you can, try and stay out of it.

2. You will really find out who your real friends are going through a bad time. If something bad happens to you, or you just straight up finna have a breakdown bout something, you're gonna find out who your real friends are, and which ones were fake and will leave you.

3. Don't let your friends judge your choices.

4. Don't influence your friends to do stupid shit, and vice versa.

5. Don't be too clingy. If your too clingy, your only hurting yourself by seeing them with other people and getting sad and jealous, so don't get too attached.

6. Don't stay friends with someone that hurts/abuses you just because you think there's no one else that likes you.

7. Try and be friends with people that have almost the same personality as you, y'all will get along better and probably stay friends longer.

8. Don't be friends with people just to use them to your advantage, and vice versa.

9. If you don't like your friends, drop them, there's other people that you'll meet, that'll probably be better for you.

10. Understand that when you leave high school, you'll most likely stop being friends with them.


Hope y'all like this, I've probably been through almost all of these and learned this shit the hard way.

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