Chapter 1

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Warning: this chapter contains a lot of physical and verbal abuse aswell as alcohol use and smoking. A little bit of gore and swearing.

Fiddleford hadron McGucket was a tall, kind hearted southerner that had a brilliant mind for building all sorts of robots and gadgets. After graduation he tried to set up his own business, building personal computers. Whilst he was trying to keep his business afloat he met Samantha grey.

Samantha was small brunette with deep brown eyes and passion for shopping. Fidd didn't know how or why but she was very interested in Fidd and his work. He never had a girl take so much interest in him before. Fidd never had much of a liking for girls anyway, he leaned toward men. If you know what I mean. No matter how hard he tried to get Samantha to leave him alone she wouldn't stay away. She forced her way into Fidd's life. He couldn't tell her he was gay. Honestly he was scared about how she would react, the gay community wasn't exactly treated nicely by the public. In a matter of weeks she and Fidd were dating and soon moving in together.

Soon after moving in Fidd found Sam's darker side. She loved alcohol and she wasn't exactly the nicest drunk. She would throw bottles at Fidd, beat the shit of out him and burn his skin with her cigarette butts. Fidd couldn't stand to live with her anymore and threatened to leave. Sam couldn't have that, Fidd was her only supply of money, if he left the money left. One night she intentionally got Fidd so hammered that he literally couldn't control what he was doing. She then dragged him into the bedroom and... Well I guess you can figure out what happened next. They had conceived a child. Fidd wasn't too happy about this for many reasons : firstly the fact that he was gay, he didn't love Sam at all, he didn't want to bring a child into the care of this twisted woman and how his very religious parents would react that he got Sam pregnant because they weren't even married.

The day had come were Fidd had to face the music. In order to save himself (and the unborn infant) from the wrath of his parents. He proposed to Sam before her baby bump was noticeable. Sam made sure the wedding was blown completely out of proportion, using as much of Fidd's money as possible but he was too scared she would tell his parents about the baby to stop her spending so much.

Fiddleford felt so unhappy standing at the alter before the priest. He wore a fake smile to mask his despair. His designer tux was strangling him and the thing that made everything so much more worse was the speech his stern father spoke at the reception after the wedding.
"Fiddleford McGucket. I can't believe you actually found a wife and made a living out of those gadgets of yours. I'm so proud of you son and I couldn't be happier for you and your lovely wife. To Sam and Fiddleford" .
Fidd's head was in a spin. His father had never ever said he was proud of him. He used to slap him on the head for not being manly and other things like believing in unicorns, wanting his sister to braid his hair and not being like his older brother, Buck. Fidd always felt like a disappointment to his father. This got him thinking. He decided he would be the best father to his child he could be. Shower him with affection and never make him feel stupid, like his father made him feel.

Nine months had passed and the day had come. Sam was rushed into hospital late that evening. Hours later Tate was born. Fidd adored him the moment he was born. He never wanted to let him go and Sam wasn't the most tentative mother. She didn't really know what to do to stop him from crying, she had no interest in changing him or playing but Fidd was more than happy to do those things.

Not even a week had passed and Sam was already on the drink. Fidd tried to stop her because he knew it would be bad for Tate if she breastfed him but she was having none of it. She had to stop drinking for nine months for Tate even though she did sneakily take a few sips of wine when Fidd wasn't watching. Knowing Tate couldn't be breastfed due to his wife's selfishness he had to bottle feed him. Working over time, getting up during the night to care for him. This caused many arguments between Fidd and Sam. No matter how hard he tried to win the fights Sam had empty wine bottles to throw and fresh hot cigarettes to scar him with.

Tate was about four years old. Fidd had endured four years of abuse from his alcoholic wife. He was at breaking point and one night Sam pushed him over the edge. She had gotten drunk and passed out on the couch with a fresh cigarette in hand, Fidd was in the garage working on a computer prototype when he heard Tate scream out. Fidd dropped everything, ran into the house to find the passed out mess on the couch and his precious child sitting on the floor crying in pain. Some ash had fallen off of sam's cigarette and landed on Tate's arm. The embers had burned and blistered into Tate's flesh.

Fidd ran to Tate's aid, inspecting his wound. He rushed him to the sink and ran cold water over it before it got worse. Once Tate stopped crying Fidd put him down on the floor and filled a glass of water.
"Tate you stay in here and don't come out, wait for me to come get you. Okay?" Fidd warned. His tearful son nodded in agreement. Fidd then stood up straight and walked into the next room. He marched up to the passed out mess on the couch and threw the water over her face. She gasped as she awoke from her sleep.
"Why you...What the fuck was that for!?" She screamed in rage.
"You! You fell asleep and your fucking cigarette ash burned into Tate's skin!" Fidd was so full of rage he didn't bother to watch his language.
"So fucking what? He needs to stop being a fucking wimp like his dad and get over it!" Sam sat up on the couch.
"Get over it? HE'S FOUR!!" Fidd had enough.
"And I am not a fucking wimp!"
"Oh yeah how about queer?" Sam hit the saw spot. Fidd fell silent.
"That's right, I see how you look at other men, how about we talk about that?" Sam had him where she wanted him. Fidd backed off and looked at his feet.
"Just as I thought, fucking queer. How did I let myself get married to a freak, a pansy, a gay" she sneered as she got up from the couch and moved closer, a wine bottle in her hand.
"I've had enough! I'm not going to watch you send Mine and Tate's lives down the drain!" He screamed as he stepped forward, refusing to to be cornered by her once more.
"I WANT A DIVORCE!" He screamed as he poked a long finger on Sam's chest, pushing her back.
"A divorce?" She shrieked.
"Yes a divorce!" Fidd moved back and adjusted his glasses.
"Oh yeah. That's just what a queer would do. Get a divorce from your wife just to go run off and be gay with some other gay guy!" She got up in Fidd's face and pushed him.
"How do I know you havent been having an affair behind my back!" She screamed.
"How could I have an affair if I haven't even left the house because I had to look after our son because you're too drunk to look in his direction!" Fidd screamed back. At that moment Tate walked into the room.
"Pa, it stings" he held onto his burn.
"Come on Tate were leaving" Fidd walked up to him and picked him up.
"Oh no your not. Do you think any agency is going to let a fucking queer look after a child?!" She screamed across the room. Those words stung in Fidd's head. He knew she was right but he couldn't leave Tate in her care.
"Nothing you say will deter me from leaving with him. You've got another thing coming if you think I will leave him in your care" Fidd was full of rage.
"Oh yeah well you've got another thing coming as well" as she said this she threw the wine bottle at Fidd and Tate. It hit right above Fidd's head against the wall. He clutched Tate close to his body as the the shards of glass shot out above their heads. A few shards struck Fidd's back but he tried not to howl in pain, he didn't want to scare Tate even more. Fidd then ran out of the house grabbing the car keys before Sam had the chance to get another bottle or even worse a knife. He buckled Tate in as fast as he could before driving down the road, out of view of their abusive home.

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