Chapter 12

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By the time they had arrived home it was near ten o'clock at night. The moon stood proudly in the dark void of the sky. The Stars twinkled and shon as if they were dancing with such grace and beauty. Fidd was still snuggled under Fords arm. They were sharing warm smiles and kind looks. Ford unlock the front door one handed, it was a good thing he was ambidextrous. They walked side by side into the door. Fidd gave a loud yawn and moved Ford's arm from his shoulder.
"Well, I-i should really be going to bed" Fidd stuttered as he looked into Fords soft brown eyes. He really didn't want to be pulled away from Fords warm and safe embrace but they both should get some sleep.
"I guess so.......I-it's kind of cold tonight" Ford spluttered, he was trying to act smooth but that's something he's just not very good at.
"What are you getting at?" Fidd raised his brow. "Are you trying to ask me to sleep in your bed with you tonight?" Fidd moved a little closer to Ford.
"I. Um, uh.... Yes" he squeaked, his face was turning a vibrant red.
"I dunno, do you think we're rushing things. I mean we literally just reunited a couple hours ago" Fidd stepped away from Ford.
"Your right, it was a stupid suggestion. I just didn't want you sleeping on the couch in that cold room" Ford looked at his feet.
"You big softy, if that's all you wanted to do.... I think it would be okay. But no funny business. I still have my boundaries" Fidd said sternly looking up at Ford.
"Of course, I completely respect that, is there anything else?" Ford looked up at Fidd.
"No that's it" Fidd smiled. Ford then held out his hand waiting for Fidd to hold it. Fiddleford then delicately placed his hand in Ford's and gave a warm smile. Their fingers laced together, surprisingly their hands fitted one another very well even with Fords extra finger. The brunette then lead his boyfriend to his bedroom.

The room was dark, messy but warm. Ford guided the taller man through the the piles of books and clothes to the bed.
"D-do you want us to keep our clothes on?" Ford stuttered, trying to respect Fidd's boundaries.
"Uhh..s-sure. That's probably for the best" Fidd nodded in agreement.
"Okay" said Ford before he kicked off his boots and removed his brown trench coat but leaving his sweater and trousers on. Fidd did the same, he kicked off his boots, took off his white lab coat and undid his tie. They then clambered into bed. Laying side by side in complete silence, both of them looking awkwardly around the room, trying to find a way to start a conversation.
"F-ford when I said no funny business....I-it didn't mean we couldn't cuddle" said Fidd as he looked over at Ford with a smile.
"Really?" Ford questioned as he turned to face Fidd.
"Yes" Fidd smiled.
"O-okay" Ford stuttered as he moved closer to Fidd. "Is it okay if I, uh-"
"Ford I'm not a china doll, I'm not gunna break if ya touch me. Just come here.. and, see now put your arm here. There isn't this nice" Fidd smiled in his new position. His head was laying of Ford's chest, there arms wrapped around one another and there legs entangled. Ford's sweater was warm and soft. Fidd felt safe and comfortable listening to the steady rhythm of Ford's heart beat.
"Yeah, this is nice. I missed cuddling with you Fidd" Ford smiled down at the man lying on his chest.
"Me too, I actually missed lying with someone I love....Oh shoot!" Fidd sat up.
"What's wrong? Did I do something?" Ford panicked and sat up next to his boyfriend.
"No you did nothing wrong, I just, I forgot to call Tate" The southerner gave a distressed look at the brunette.
"Oh, I um. D-do you want to call him now?" Ford stuttered trying his best to calm the man he loved.
"No, no. It's past his bedtime, Sarah would kill me if I woke him up now" Fidd wiped over his face using his hand.
"I'll just call him in the morning" he smiled at the brunette.
"Okay, w-we should probably be going to sleep too" he smiled, lying back onto the soft mattress.
"Yeah, we should" Fidd gave a warm smile as he settled back into Ford's chest and wrapped his arm around his middle. He hummed as he listened to the calm beat of his boyfriends heart.
"Good night" Fidd whispered up at Ford.
"Good night Fidd" said Ford before quickly pecking a kiss on Fidd's forehead. Fidd hummed with joy and snuggle closer into Ford's warm sweater. They then both fell into a deep, luxurious slumber.

The morning seem to have come too early. The warm light that had traveled from the radiant star beamed through the blinds of Fords bedroom. The sun light shon into Fords eyes. He groaned as he awoke to an empty bed. He was confused at first then be began to panic. What if Fidd didn't want to stay around? He jumped out of bed and ran into the hallway.
"Fidd?" He called out into the eerie silence. No reply. He ran into Fidd's bedroom. It was untouched. He then rushed into the kitchen to find Fidd standing by the counter talking to his sister through the phone. Ford gave a sigh of relief as Fidd looked over at him and smiled. He then walked over and sat the table.
"Morning Fidd" the brunette yawned as he took a seat.
"Morning" Fidd smiled clutching the phone to his ear. "Yeah Sarah that's him... no! Can I just please speak to Tate?" Fidd said sternly. Ford perked his head up, curious about what Fidd and his sister were talking about.
"Hey darlin'... I miss ya to... Okay, I love ya.. Bye" Fidd smiled as he set down the phone.
"What were you talking about?" Ford questioned as Fidd sat down at the table.
"Oh...n-nothing. My sister was just asking some questions" his face went a slight red colouration.
"Are you alright ya seemed a bit flustered?" Fidd asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine. H-how was your son?" He smiled up at Fidd trying to change the subject.
"He's fine but Sarah said he's gettin' a bit restless and wants to see me" he sighed. Suddenly a thought crossed over Fords mind.
"W-what if he came to visit? You know, for the weekend or something?" He suggested. Fidd had a very odd expression stuck on his face, he was thinking it over. He would love to see his little tater tot again but it didn't seem like the right time for Tate to come into the mix, they had only been together for a matter of hours.
"Um...I'm not sure. I would love to see him again but I don't think this is the best of times for him to come over" he shrugged. Ford looked up at Fidd.
"How so?" He asked.
"Well... I think we need a little time to get more familiar with each other again, then maybe he could come over to visit"
"I guess your right and I think I would need to child proof the house" he chuckled.
"Yeah and get rid of that death trap" Fidd demanded as he pointed at the deathly contraption disguised as a harmless toaster.
"Why?" Ford chuckled.
"Why!? That thing almost blew my face off!" He exclaimed.
"Okay" Ford smiled "I was thinking of talking a walk today. Maybe find some creatures" he shrugged.
"Sure. I'll pack us a bag" fidd smiled, standing up from his chair.

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