Chapter 8

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It had been a long nights drive. The moon kept a watchful eye over Fidd the entire drive and stars twinkled bright with pride amongst the dark vastness of space. Fiddleford was tired and energy drained. He needed sleep but he had to keep at this pace or he would be late for Stanford. That is the only thing that kept him going.

The sun beamed down apon the planet and lighted the road which Fiddleford was driving on. The sun highlighted a sign saying 'welcome to Gravity falls'. Fidd gave a sigh of relief, he had made it. Now he had to just find Ford's house. He knew Ford said it was in the woods but the town was literally surrounded by a forest of giant trees and monstrous shrubs. It would take forever to find his house. He had to ask for directions.

He parked up in front of a small grocery store 'Dusk2Dawn'. He got out of his car and strolled up to the doors.  As he pushed them open he became anxious because all of the shoppers inside stopped and stared at him. A few whispered to one another. Fidd tried to ignore the eyes burning into the back of his head as he walked up to the cashier. He swallowed as he approached the elderly woman tending to the cash register.
"H-hello, my name is Fiddleford, I'm visiting a friend of mine. You wouldn't happen to know where Stanford Pines lives, would you?" He tried to control his anxiety. The woman paused for a moment. She was trying to figure out why that name sounded so familiar.
"Oh, you must mean the science man that lives in the woods" the woman smiled.
"Yes that's him" Fidd perked up a bit. Knowing he was close to Ford made him feel all bubbly inside.
"Well, if you continue down this way you should come to a fork in the road, go right and you should find it" she gave him a cheerful smile.
"Oh thank you so much" Fidd couldn't express his gratitude enough, he shook her hand and gave an overjoyed smile. He then left the store and briskly walked over to his car.

He continued down the road, like the woman said to do. He tried to remain calm but how could he. The love of his life was literally waiting for him at the end of the road. He came to the fork in the road. The words 'turn right' rang inside his head. He knew were he was going. The road was bumby and unused. The worry of him taking the wrong route sunk in. That was until he saw the cabin sitting peacefully amongst the giant trees.
"This has to be it" he muttered to himself as he parked just outside the quiet cabin. He unbuckled and opened the car door.

He stood on the porch, he took in a deep breath before knocking on the wooden door. A few moments later the sound of footsteps came from inside the building. The door creaked open.
"Fiddleford!" Stanford yelled as he opened the door up wider. Fidd tried to contain himself. He did it surprisingly well. He just gave a friendly smile.
"Hello Stanford, it's been a while hasn't it?" Fidd spoke calmly but on the inside he was screaming, he just wanted to hug Ford and never let him go.
"It's been too long" Ford chuckled. He wasn't much of a hugger but he made an exception for Fidd and wrapped his arms around him. Fidd was startled and blushed like mad. He didn't know how to react he just gripped Ford lightly even though he desired to squeeze him tight. Ford then released his grip on Fidd and patted his shoulder.
"I best help you with your things" Ford said before pushing past Fidd out of the door to the car. Fidd trailed behind him saying nothing but wearing a cheerful grin on his face. Fidd pulled the car door open and picked up his bag.
"That's it?" Ford raised his brow. Fidd nodded as he pulled the straps over his shoulder.
"What happened to the Fiddleford that came in to the dorm room with so many boxes that he could barely walk?" Ford chuckled. Fidd didn't respond. He just looked at his feet. Ford had no idea of the trauma he had faced and the situation he had came from.
"We should be getting inside, the atmospheric pressure has dropped. A storm is coming" said Ford as he looked up to the sky and pointed at some dark clouds slowly approaching them. They both then walked into the house.

Ford gave Fidd a tour around the shack. He then brought him into a room with a heavy wooded door.
"I don't have another bedroom. This is one of my studies but it has a fairly comfortable couch. I hope you don't mind" Ford pointed around the room, trying to make Fidd comfortable in the unorthodox bedroom.
"It's fine, thank you Stanford" Fidd placed his bag on the couch and looked around the room.
"I'll leave you to unpack and get comfortable. I need to do something in my private study I should be back in an hour" Ford said from the doorway.
"Okay" Fidd smiled as he unzipped his bag. Ford then left the room, closing the door behind him.

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