Chapter 10

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Warning: mentions of past abuse, blood

Ford gave a sigh of relief when they made it back to the house. Fidd was still paralysed but he had gained control over his speech when they were fleeing for their lives. Ford took Fidd straight to his bedroom to tend to his wound and paralysis. He set the still frozen Fiddleford on the bed and ran the bathroom to get the first aid kit. Fidd still had tears rolling down his cheeks and he tried his best to stop it but he had little control over his body. Soon Ford returned with the kit and sat down beside him.
"I'm going to have to take your shirt off to inspect the slash on your arm and take a blood sample" said Ford as he pulled the white lab coat off of Fidd.
"N-No, you can't" Fidd blubbered. He didn't want Ford to see the scars.
"I need to otherwise we won't know if the neurotoxins are deadly or not and its not like we haven't seen each other without our shirts on" Ford began to unbutton Fidd's shirt.
"No Stanford you can't!" He struggled to stop him with his stiff arms. Ford paused as he opened up his shirt and saw the numerous scars and burns. He looked at the floor with a stunned/scared expression. It was silent for a while with only small snivels from Fidd breaking the silence.
"Please, can we just get this over with!" Fidd begged to get this moment over and done with. Ford was pulled away from his thoughts and retrieved a syringe and cotton swab from the first aid kit. Fidd hissed in pain as Ford disinfected his wound.
"Sorry" Ford consistently apologised. He then wrapped a bandage tight around Fidd's arm to produce a thick vein in his arm.
"1,2.." He inserted the needle and withdrew a vile of Fidd's blood. Fiddleford looked away, he wasn't the biggest fan of seeing blood especially his. Ford soon pulled away the needle and swabbed over his arm where the needle penetrated him. He then bandaged up his wound, grabbed his hand and began to move it, trying to bring back the motion in his hand.
It was working a little bit as his fingers began to twitch and tingle.
"How are you feeling?" Ford tried to break the awkward silence.
"I still can't feel anything" he murmured avoiding eye contact with Ford. They sat there for a while in complete silence. Both looking away from one another but remaining contact as Ford helped move Fidd's tingling hand.
"I best go analyse that blood sample" said Ford as he got up from the bed and grabbed the vile of blood.
"Stay here until I come back, even if you feel fine just stay down" Ford warned from the doorway.
"Okay" Fidd huffed still looking away from Ford.
"Well... I'll see you in a bit" Ford looked down at his feet before leaving the room.

About an hour had past. Fidd had regained feeling back in his body but stayed put just as Ford said. He had buttoned up his shirt, he felt so embarrassed that Ford had seen his scars. What would he think of him now? Surely he was going to ask about them and it's going to be awkward to answer him. Suddenly the door crept open and Ford peered into the room. Fidd looked up at him as he walked over to the bed.
"How are you feeling?" Ford asked standing beside the bed.
"Good but these pins and needles are killing me" he said wiggling his toes and fingers.
"Well, the results show the neurotoxin isn't deadly so the pins and needles are the worst of it" he smiled.
"That's a relief" he sighed turning away from Ford.
"Maybe we should try getting you up. Since you can move now" he said sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Okay" he groaned before trying to sit up.
"Easy now" Ford moved his arms to cradle Fidd's back and support him.
"Thanks" he hissed as he held his head, sitting up right.
"You want to try walking?" Ford asked looking deep into his eyes. Fidd nodded his head and shuffled his legs off of the bed. Ford got up from the bed preparing to catch Fidd if he fell.
"Ready?" Ford asked.
"Yes" he nodded before trying to lift himself from the bed. Ford grabbed his shoulders to support him. Fidd stumbled around for a bit like a new born foal until he found his feet and supported himself. Ford kept hold of his shoulders just to help.

They had made it all the way to the kitchen. They decided to take a break because Fidd felt tired. Ford helped him sit down and made him a cup of tea. Ford then placed the mug down beside Fidd and pulled up a chair.
"Thank you Stanford...for everything" Fidd smiled reaching out for his mug.
"Well, it's kind of my fault we got in this mess" he said scratching his head. Fidd said nothing and looked down at his cup of boiling hot tea. They sat in silence for a while both of them taking small sips from their mugs. Ford was giving quick glances up at Fidd before staring down at the floor.
"Look Stanford, your probably wondering where these scars have come from and I don't have the energy to keep denying everything" Fidd sighed putting his mug back on the table. Ford perked his head up.
"My wife.." His words trembled from his mouth as he began to cry.
"Fiddleford it's okay" Ford spoke softly to soothe his friend. Fidd took in a deep breath before speaking once again.
"M-my wife was very a-abusive" tears streamed down his face.
"Th-that's why I'm g-getting a divorce and where t-these scars have come from" he hiccuped whilst looking down at the floor. Ford got up from his chair and walked over to Fidd. He put his six fingered hand on his weeping friend's shoulder.
"I'm sorry Fiddleford" he whispered. Fidd just whimpered as he tried to wipe his tears. Just the slightest touch from Ford was making him feel crazy inside and calmed him down.
"What about your son? Is he okay?" Ford knelt down beside Fidd.
"Yes he i-is with my sister in P-Palo alto. S-Sam can't get him there" Fidd whimpered as he hugged himself tightly.
"Okay. Are you feeling better?" Ford didn't really know what to say, he wasn't the best at comforting someone in distress.
"I'm fine" Fidd lifted his head and accidentally began to gaze into Ford's beautiful brown eyes. This made his heart race and his mind panic. Suddenly a loud ring broke their intense stare.It was the telephone. Ford walked across the room and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" Ford questioned into the phone.
"PA!" a child's ecstatic voice screamed through the phone. Ford had a moment of confusion, he definitely knew he didn't have any children, until it struck him.
"I think it's for you" Ford gestured the phone in his hand toward Fiddleford. Fidd got up and grasped the phone to his ear.
"H-hello?" He asked into the telephone.
"PA!" Tate screamed once more, this time at the right person. Fidd's sorrows were lifted with that one little word. He became a blubbering mess of excitement as he clutched the phone close to his ear.
"Tate! darlin' I've missed ya so much" Fidd got so carried away he even kissed the phone, imagining it was Tate. Ford smiled at Fidd's happiness. The tears were still rolling down his face but they seemed more like tears of joy rather than sorrow.
"I made another drawin' today" Tate's cheerful voice squeaked.
"You did? I can't wait to see it. Could you describe it to me?" He held the phone close to his head almost as if Tate was about to tell him crucial information.
"It's a dragon. I coloured it purple and it's got lots of fire and big claws and it says ROAR!!" The four year old exclaimed. Fidd had a huge smile on his face and tried to wipe away the streams running from his eyes.
"That's right, they do say that" Fidd grinned with happiness. Suddenly Sarah could be heard in the background.
"Hey Fidd, how are ya?" The female asked from the other end of the phone.
"I'm fine, how is Tate? Is he behaving?"
"He is like an angel. Certainly raised him right, given the circumstances" Sarah tried to joke.
"How's Stanford? Or should I say boyfr-"
"Not now Sarah!" Fidd cut her off. He knew Ford could hear her through the phone.
"Oh, I see. Anyway I just wanted to call and see how you were doin'. Tate wanted to tell you about his drawin' and say good night. So if we're done here I will put him back on"
"Oh, yes please. Thank you Sarah for looking after him. I will talk to you tomorrow" Fidd nodded his head and grasped the phone waiting to speak to his son again.
"Pa, auntie says I gotta go to bed now" the toddler frowned.
"Good night my angel, I love ya so much, I wish I could give ya a good night kiss. You be good for your auntie now and I will speak to you tomorrow" Fidd didn't want to stop talking to his son but he didn't want to raise Sarah's phone bill.
"Good night pa" the toddler squeaked before the phone hung up.

Fidd pulled the phone from his ear. A few stray tears dribbled down his face as he set the phone back down into its place. Ford walked over to give him support if he still felt weak.
"I would like to go to bed now Stanford" Fidd stated as he took a weak step forward.
"Okay, I got you" Ford supported his friend by grabbing his shoulder and walked him to his bed room.

Ford helped him onto the leather couch and placed the blanket on top of the tall engineer.
"Your son sounds sweet" Ford smiled as he helped take Fidd's shoes off.
"He is very sweet. I miss him so much" Fidd sighed as he relaxed his head into the pillow.
"What was your sister talking about? I heard my name" Ford raised a brow as he looked up at Fiddleford.
"Oh..nothing" Fidd shrugged trying to avoid the answer.
"Okay. Well good night" Ford smiled as he got up and walked over to the door.
"Good night" Fidd replied. Soon came a slow closing of the bedroom door. Fidd was now alone in the room. His heart fluttered as he thought about all of the care and attention Ford gave him today.
"No, Fiddleford we gotta stop thinkin' about this stuff. He doesn't like you like that anymore" Fidd sternly told himself. He then gave a sigh and feel into a deep sleep.

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