Chapter 20

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It had been a few days, Tate was settling in okay and Stanford was getting used to being a sorta step father in a way. Fiddleford was loving having his family back together, now that Tate was here it just felt complete.

The night was dark and a lite chill hung in the air. Stanford and Fiddleford were sleeping back to back in their bed. Peacefully slumbering in the warmth of the bed. Not a sound was to be heard except for the nasally breaths escaping Ford's nose.

Suddenly the door opened with a creak that caused Ford to stir but not awaken. Tate's small head appeared from behind the door and slowly entered the room. The floor boards croaked as he stepped upon them, moving over to the bed.
"Stanford" the child whispered from the side of the bed. Ford didn't give a response apart from a loud snore.
"Stanford" he said yet again, his voice slightly louder than before. Stanford's eyes fluttered open as he woke.
"Tate?" He asked, his vision blurry without his glasses. He reached out to the side table and grasped his glasses. He hesitantly put them on his face, squinting as his vision focused.
"Tate it's the middle of the night-"
"I had a nightmare, can get in bed with you guys?" He asked innocently, rubbing his elbow and looking at him hopefully. Ford's expression softened.
"Let me ask your father" he said before rolling on his side and shaking Fidd's shoulders lightly.
"Fidd, wake up" he whispered softly, trying his best to ease him from his slumber.
"Not now Ford, we can do it tomorrow, I'm really tired" he groaned and tried to turn away but Ford's hand stopped him.
"No not that, Fidd Tate's here" Ford stated making Fidd's eyes open and sit up. He squinted at the blob in front of him, his vision was terrible. Suddenly it came into focus when Ford placed his spectacles upon his face.
"I had a nightmare can I sleep in your bed?" He asked once again, looking into his father's eyes.
"Of course darlin'. Stanford scoot over" he ordered the larger man to do so as Tate began to crawl over the covers.

Fiddleford was now encased around Ford's large arms as Tate slept peacefully in the other half of the bed. He watched Tate's small body peacefully sleep beside him, just like that night he had left Sam. The glass in his back and Tate telling him he rather live with his father. He thought about how far he had come. To once cowering in fear of his wife to be safely sleeping in the arms of his beloved.
"I love you" Ford nuzzled into the back of his neck and squeezed Fidd closer to him.
"I love you too" he responded, brushing his hand down Ford's arm in search for his hand. He soon found it and interlaced their fingers. The feeling of five fingers slitting into six was truly wonderful.
"Good night" they said in unison. Fidd smiled before turning his head to share a kiss. What a beautiful way to spend the rest of his life.


That is it, geez it's been a long time since I updated this. I always wanted to end this one on a higher note than most of my other fics. Thanks for the lovely comments and keeping with the story.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2016 ⏰

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