Chapter 16

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Since the Incident in the lab Bill's appearances have declined, Ford must have really spoken to him about it however there are rare occasions where Bill would appear to help with work or just get his sick kicks. Fiddleford hated those moments cause he knew that the serenity could snap like an elastic band and he would be in the same position he was last time, pinned up against a wall begging for mercy.

Although through the bad times there were always good times to prevail. Over the course of the three months of Fiddleford living with Ford he had been to court twice and was waiting a letter from his solicitor proving the final verdict of the judge. Honestly he couldn't care less for his failing computers or even his grandmothers ring. All Fiddleford cared about was being able to hold his son in his arms again, to hear his nonsense ramblings of imaginary adventures and tucking him in at night knowing he's safe. That is all he really wanted to bring out of the ashes from his fallen marriage and his abusive memories. All he needed was that letter. The letter that would prove Fiddleford to be the rightful and legal guardian to solely take care of Tate forever.

It had taken a whole week for that letter to arrive and Fiddleford almost did a jig of pure joy right there and then when he saw the white envelope contently sitting in the mail box with the name 'Mr F McGucket' printed on it. He swiped it from the cold inside of the mail box and rushed into the house to find a sleep deprived Stanford sitting at the table nursing a steamy cup of coffee. Ford looked up to see his partner beaming with joy. Stanford loved it when Fidd got excited about something. First he would make little squeals of joy, his smile would take over his face and his feet would being to move at rapid pace in an uncoordinated fashion known as his 'happy jig'.
"What?" Stanford asked, curiosity filling him from inside. Fiddleford could barely contain himself, he just rushed over to the table stamping his feet against the hard wood floor. Before Stanford could guess what had got his boyfriend in such a good mood, he had been pulled into a quick and abrupt kiss by his counterpart. That certainly woke Stanford up. The kiss was short lived and they soon pulled apart.
"Did the mailman compliment you on your hair today or something?" Ford asked with the slightest hint of seriousness in his voice. In response Fidd lightly hit him on the shoulder.
"No...but it would be nice to have someone compliment me" he said in a slightly hushed tone but made sure Ford heard him.
"Hey I compliment you, just last night I said the sweat from wearing your welding uniform made you look very appealing" said Ford with a smile. Fidd just sighed and rolled his eyes.  "And I don't compliment you every day because if I listed all the things that made you look nice we would be here for an eternity" Ford added, his face became slightly blushed as he tried to reassure his lover.
"Really?....oh we're getting off topic" Fidd remembered his real reason for excitement and focused on the letter in his hands. "It came!" He exclaimed as he held the letter out in front of him.  Stanford had no words. He knew how much this piece of paper ment to Fiddleford, it was like a golden ticket that would allow Fidd to continue with the rest of his life.
"Open it" was all he could say and Fiddleford began to rip at the top of the envelope.

"Dear Mr McGucket,
We are glad to inform you that you request for full custody of Tate McGucket is nearing completion..." Fidd trailed off as he began to read further down the paper. "However the jury has demanded a social service visit... to end ensure the safety and well being of the child... if the service is not satisfied with the accommodation given.... the jury may rethink their decision of full custody... and may put the child in.......FOSTER CARE!" Fidd cried out as small tears filled his eyes. That joy he felt in the morning had vanished completely and now he was left with fear, sorrow and heartache. It still wasn't over, this was supposed be his day of joy and celebration. The day he could scream to the heavens that his son was rightfully his to care for and no one could change that. He slumped in his chair and tossed the letter onto the table before running his hand up his face toward his hair. Ford could tell what he was going to do the moment his fist clenched around a clump of his golden hair. Stanford was quick to reach for Fiddleford's hand and stop him before he ripped a chunk of hair from his scalp. Ford had seen him do it before when he was stressed or anxious and he hated watching the man he loved do that to himself. Ford gently pulled the hand away from his head and patted it reassuringly.
"What am I going to do Stanford, if it doesn't go perfectly I'll loose him. All of this would have been for nothing!" He cried aloud, letting stray tears dribble down his face and drip onto his shirt.
"Fidd I know your stressed but doing this to yourself won't help. We have come this far, you have a steady job, live in a basically brand new house and very far away from Samantha. What could possibly change their minds?" He said trying to be as helpful as possible and stroking Fidd's thumb.
"I don't know Stanford, maybe the fact that we live in the middle of a magical forest where a car eating giant lives just outside, you even called him Steve! Or maybe the fact that their is a shapeshifting creature being held in our bunker or maybe the thing in the basement that has the possibility to rip a hole in the fabric of space. Or, or how about the elephant or in the room! Huh? What if they find out the only reason I have this 'steady job' and live in this 'basically new house' is because we are in a homosexual relationship!"  Fidd exclaimed and leapt from his chair out of pure rage. Ford was stuck for words, he couldn't believe the pure anger that had just exploded from the man he love so much. Did Fidd really hate living here so much? Was he ashamed of their relationship? Did he really bottle up these emotions like this? How long has he been doing this for?
"Fidds I.... I didn't-"
"I'm sorry Stanford, i didn't mean that... I-I just don't want t-to loose him" he snivelled and turned to his counterpart. Ford opened up his arms and welcomed Fidd in for a warm and comforting hug. Fidd just slumped into Ford and began to weep into his shoulder. Ford held him close and listened to his desperate sobs and pleas.

After about fifteen minutes of uninterrupted crying Fidd had finally began to gain control over himself once again. He dried his eyes and stepped away from Stanford's embrace.
"Thank ya Stanford. What would I do without ya" he lightly smiled and used his sleeve to dry his tears.
"When are the services visiting?" He asked with a kind smile. Fidd walked back over to the table and picked up the letter that started the entire outburst.
"In a week" he stated before dropping the paper back onto the desk.
"That's seven days. Seven whole days to set up a bedroom, toddler proof the house and make it look like you've been sleeping on the couch for the last three months" he smiled and placed a hand on Fiddleford's shoulder.
"Do you think we'll pull it off?" He slightly raised his brow and gave a small grin.
"yes, I think the man that built a fully functioning robot in one day and the guy that has twelve PhDs could definitely toddler proof this house in a week" Ford chuckled slightly, thinking of that day in college. It was on a particularly boring day and Fidd just decided to build a robot out of whatever he could find. That is one of the things Ford loved about Fiddleford, that he could literally accomplish anything he put his mind to. Ford then leaned in and kissed Fiddleford on the cheek.
"Yeah, I think we'll do just fine" Fidd said in a hushed tone and leaned in on Ford, enjoying being in that moment knowing ford would be by his side through it all. Perhaps today wouldn't be so bad.

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