Chapter 5

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The next morning Fiddleford was awoken to the sound of a cup of tea being set down on the bedside table. Tate had woken up and helped his auntie make his papa breakfast.
"Mornin' sunshine" Sarah smiled down at him before sitting on the bed. Tate crawled up the bed and slumped on his fathers chest. Fidd exhaled as all of his sons weight landed on his torso.
"Hello Tate, get off pa for second please" Fidd patted his head gently waiting for his son to get off. Tate sat up, letting Fidd get his breath back.
"We made ya some breakfast, didn't we Tate?" She watched as Fidd sat up and allowed Tate to snuggle up beside him.
"You did?" Fidd ruffled Tate's hair.
"Yeah, we made ya some toast" Tate smiled up at his father.
"Oh lovely" Fidd looked over at his sister, who has handing him a plate of ,slightly burnt, buttered toast.
"You sure you want me eating in your bed, I don't wanna get crumbs in it" he raised a brow.
"Fidd I still need to wash your blood out of the sheets cause of your back, I seriously don't think I few crumbs is going to make any difference" she chuckled.
"Oh yeah, sorry about the blood, I-I'll wash the sheets myself" he looked down apon the breakfast that was lovingly prepared for him.

After breakfast Sarah and Fidd were sitting at the kitchen table discussing what to do about Fidd's divorce. Tate was playing in the living room, drawing another picture for his father.
"Well these three are the cheapest solicitors I could find, it's your choice who to use" she put three business cards on in front of him.
"Wh-what do I say? I don't know anything about what to do" he began to panic looking at the different phone numbers on the cards.
"Fidd it's okay, just say your name and say you want to file a divorce from your wife, its easy. Just take a deep breath and take your time choosing" she patted his shoulder trying to reassure him. He took in a deep breath and exhaled.
"This one" he picked up a business card with the logo 'Jacob Howell, solicitors'.
"You sure?" She gripped his shoulder tighter.
"Yes" he got up from his chair and walked toward the phone. He picked up and dialled the numbers. His breathing sped up and a few beads of sweat began to form on is brow. The faint ringing of the phone could be heard as Fidd pressed his ear against it. Soon came the faint greeting of a human on the other end of the phone.
"Hello. Jacob Howells solicitors, this is Donna speaking how may I assist you today?" A receptionist asked in a very polite manner.
"My name is, is Fiddleford McGuckets and I-i would like to file a divorce from my wife" Fiddleford was shaking. His social anxiety was usually bad when he had to speak on the phone especially when it was an important phone call.
"Hold for one moment please" the woman said. Sarah moved her hand toward her mouth and mimed taking in deep breaths to help her brother feel calm. He nodded his head and took in a breath, held it in for while before exhaling. Then a new voice came from the phone.
"Hello this is Jacob Howell speaking. How can I be of service to you sir?"
"Hello, my name is Fiddleford McGucket and I would like to file a divorce against my wife" Fidd said trying to keep control of his voice.
"I'm going to need the name and age of your wife, your age sir and if you do have any, the names and ages of your children" his voice was calm and professional. This helped Fidd feel a bit better, having the impression that he was talking to someone that knew what he was doing.
"My wife's name is Samantha Grey, she is twenty one years of age. I myself am twenty three and we have a son. His name is Tate McGucket and he is four" Fidd nervously drummed his fingeres against his arm.
"If you don't mind me asking mr. McGucket, what is the reason for this divorce?" The man asked. Fidd froze, he didn't know what to say. Do you just say she was abusive? or an alcoholic?
"S-she was very abusive towards me and our son" he stuttered trying to find the best words to describe his situation.
"Really?" The mans tone changed. He sounded more interested in the case than he was before.
"Do you have any evidence of these claims?" He asked.
"Yes. I have numerous scars to my body an-and my son has a slight burn to him arm due to her behaviour" Fidd stammered. He wanted so badly to list all the times she had hurt him and Tate but he didn't want to trouble the man with his encounters so he made it short.
"Mr. McGucket, your case is of high interest to me and I would like to be the solicitor to help you. Would you be able to come by my office this afternoon and we can discuss this further and negotiate prices" the man said, highly intrigued in Fidd's case.
"Certainly. I can come over anytime" a smile was growing on Fidd's face, clutching on the phone tighter so he could hear every detail of what the man was saying.
"I have a space open at five fifteen. I will see you then Mr. McGucket"
"Thank you so much Mr. Howell" Fidd's smile grew bigger as the man on the other end of the line hung up.

Fiddleford then put down the phone, a massive grin was plastered on his face. Sarah ran over and hugged him.
"You did it, now we have someone who will really help ya" she cheered gripping tighter on to her brother.
"We got an appointment at five fifteen. Will you come with me?" Fidd asked as they pulled apart from the hug.
"Of course, I will be with ya every step,okay" she smiled at him.
"But do we do about Tate?" Fidd questioned.
"We'll take him with us, he is a good boy I'm sure they won't mind him being there" Sarah moved toward the kettle to boil another pot of tea. Fidd then left the room to check up on his son.

Tate was happily lying on the floor doodling on the sheet of paper.
"What ya drawing?" Fidd asked as he sat down beside Tate.
"A drawing" he looked up at his father.
"Could I take a look?" Fidd chuckled at his innocence. Tate looked back at his drawing and handed it to his father. The drawing showed three stick figures and a black blob in the corner. Fidd was quite baffled about what he was looking at.
"Who's this?" He pointed down at the stick figures.
"That's you, that's auntie Sarah and that's me" he dabbed his little finger on each individual figure.
"And what's that?" Fidd pointed to the black blob in the bottom corner.
"Kitty" he squeaked.
"It's very nice drawing, Tate we are gong to see a nice man today but you gotta be on your best behaviour, okay?" Fidd handed that drawing back to his child. Tate nodded his little head in agreement.
"And this man might want to take a look at your arm okay?" Fidd ruffled his think brown hair. Tate nodded once more whilst continuing his drawing. 

Just then Sarah walked in with a cup of tea in each hand. She handed Fidd a cup of tea and sat down beside them.
"Fidd I think I gotta take you shopping cause I don't think you'll make a great first impression wearing my blouse" she chortled.
"You've got a point but I have no money" he frowned.
"I do" she patted him on the back.
"Come on if we go now we will be ready for your appointment" she held out hand helping him get up.
He groaned as his legs and back straightened.
"Come on Tate were gunna go out for a bit" he placed his cup of tea on the coffee table before picking up his child.
"Sarah you don't have a jacket I could use, I just don't want to be seen wearing this blouse" he tugged at his sleeve. She nodded and exited the room, soon returning with a brown leather jacket.
"This should fit" she handed him the jacket. Fidd placed Tate back on the ground and tried on the jacket.
"Thanks Sarah" he smiled as he zipped the jacket up. He then grabbed Tate and his car keys.

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