Part One: A New Country

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This story has a slowish beginning, but I promise it gets more interesting. Please give my book a chance :)

Juliet was in tears, laying face down on my baby pink summer sheets.

"I just can't... Believe... That he would..." Juliet lifted her head again between heart wrenching sobs, staring out the window of our two story house with tear soaked eyes.

God, I knew it was a mistake to move to America! Not everyone was that bad, but that jerk Blake Forex had gone too far. What the hell was he thinking!?!?

He took advantage of my little sister. He was going to pay.

After a few minutes of me stroking her shaking back, and mumbling what I hoped were comforting words, I said in a hushed voice, "Come on, stop crying. I have an idea about how we can get that good for nothing ass hole back."

Juliet rolled over onto her back and wiped her eyes miserably with the palm of her hands, before asking in a cracked voice, "How?"

I watched her clear her throat and repeat the single word that had previously squeaked from her trembling lips.

"I don't exactly have an idea yet... But I've figured out the perfect name for our plan on getting revenge. 'Playing the Player'.

"'Playing the Player'," Juliet said slowly and calmly, liking the feel of those words on her lips. The teeniest of a curve evolved from the corner of her mouth.

"And how are we going to get revenge?" Juliet asked, staring at me through red eyes.

"I'm sure that two clever young girls could come up with something," I told her simply, pointing at her and myself a few times to make sure the message was clear.

"Ok, lets make a list of ideas."

Juliet reached to my desk for a spare notebook on my ever growing stack. I can't draw, but I get ideas for stories and sometimes write a poem or two.

I grabbed a pen and took the notebook from her delicate hand, planting myself on my chair in front of my wooden desk, moving stray books and pieces out of the way to make room for the book.

I wrote the title in big letters and drew a stupid smiley face that I got a little too carried away with...

"Ok," I said, turning my chair slightly so that I was more or less facing Juliet," Got any ideas?"

I tapped the pencil repeatedly on the pretty much blank piece of paper.

"How about... Scratching his new red car?"

I wrote down this idea with a fat question mark next to it. Problem is, if we get caught...

"Just thinking out loud here, but what if we... Stick a piece of paper on his back that says 'loser'?"

Juliet turned to sit up cross legged, facing me, and raised one of her perfectly arched eyebrows.

"Ummm... Ok... That's... An interesting idea... But it's not enough for what he-" a sob escaped involuntarily from Juliet's' lips, and I quickly rushed over to squeeze her so tight I wouldn't be surprised if her eyes popped out, like one of those anger management toys.

We continued to toss around ideas for a good hour, but nothing did justice to what he did.

Then, suddenly, a very, very good idea came from Juliet. Although, I was a bit reluctant to do it...

"Ok... This is getting ridiculous!" Juliet proclaimed with annoyance in her voice, flopping onto my queen sized canopy bed beside me, halting her practically never ending pacing. We both looked up at the top of the canopy, miserable expressions written on our face.

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