Part Two: Sticking Out of The Crowd

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A few butterflies flew around in my stomach as I pulled my red car into an available parking spot at my new school. Some guys were throwing a ball around and girls were hugging and giggling.

Not that different from my old school, I guess. Except some of these people could, right at this moment, have a gun ready to shoot a foreigner like me.

With that cheery thought etched into my mind, I jumped out of my baby. The only thing I had insisted on taking with me. I had worked so hard for so many years to get my dream car, enduring annoying customers and nosy fellow workers. As you might be able to tell by now, I am not a 'people person'.

I wouldn't be surprised if no-one figures out that Juliet and I are sisters, even if the secret gets out, it would take a lot of convincing. We look nothing alike, and have completely different personalities. She's bubbly and out-going, I'm self-opinionated and sassy.

I try to budge my new flower skirt a mere centimeter down my thighs, but it wouldn't move, annoyingly enough. With a not so lady like huff, I trudge towards school, my backpack straps on tight, and arms folded neatly against my chest.

Just as I was about to reach the doors, I heard a loud wolf whistle from behind me.

"Hey baby, you new? If you want, I can give you a private tour of whatever you wanna see. I might even do a little exploring myself..." one of the guys tossing the football around said to me sleazily as I turned around, letting his gaze travel up and down my body suggestively.

"Gross. I don't date guys that think with their dick instead of their brain," I replied coolly, screwing up my nose in disgust.

"Come on, babe, don't be like that. Your accent just turns me on more," he finished with a wink before I rolled my eyes with distaste and went through the doors.

I heard a lot of laughter from the other guys and someone shouting out 'Rejected!'

Well now, that was a new experience. Normally guys don't talk to me unless their desperate. Sought of sad, but true. Not that I care.

Now in the corridor, I looked around at the bustling crowded hall. I walked up to a random guy and tapped him on the shoulder, before asking him where the office was.

He turned around from his locker, showing a seriously handsome face. He had chocolate brown eyes and dark, mossy brown, untangled hair that looked soft to the touch. You would think he was a pretty boy but, oh no, that he was not.

He had a sought of rugged appeal to him that was very attractive, and some extremely kissable lips... Where the hell had that come from!!??!!

"Sure, I'll take you there," he replied, wrenching me from my disastrous line of thought and walking a bit down the hall, then turning right.

I hurried to catch up with him, bumping into a few people in the way. Seriously, can't they see I need to be somewhere???

When I was just behind his shoulder, I said in an annoyed voice, "You know, I asked you where it was, not if you could show me where it- Oof." He had stopped abruptly and I had face planted into his firm, broad shoulder.

He turned his head around slightly and grinned wickedly, "You know," he began to say in a terrible imitation of my accent, "Most people that obviously aren't from America, would love a kind person like me to offer them a little bit of hospitality and guide them to their destination."

He clasped his hands together and fluttered his eyelashes in an attempt to look like a little school girl.

I slitted my eyes at him and replied,"Well, it truly is comforting knowing that some of that 'hospitality' could also end up with you having a gun in your hand and me on the ground, dead."

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