Part Five: Dissapointing Endevours

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Just before his lips touched mine, Leo moved his head to my ear and whispered, "I should probably take you home."

I felt a bit... disappointed, but at the same time, I was so relieved. I've only known Leo for a few hours, plus I barely know anything about him.

"Oh," I mumbled, hanging my head and taking a step back, putting some distance between us. I rubbed my left arm and turned my head up to see an unsure grimace on Leo's face, but it was gone so quickly I wasn't sure if it had actually existed.

"Come on," Leo told me, pulling me towards the front door.

"What's the time, anyways?" I asked Leo while stepping over a guy on the ground, passed out and clutching the neck of a beer bottle.

Leo glanced at an old, vintage Grandfather's clock and squinted in the dim light, trying to figure out the time.

"Looks about one-ish," Leo muttered slowly in an unsure tone, straightening up and continuing to the door at a casual pace.

"Oh my GOD! Are you serious???" I squealed at Leo, freaking out.

I lifted my right arm up slightly, and grabbed my phone from it's snug position under my armpit, hiding in my dress.

I hurriedly turned on my phone, looking at the time.

"It's already ten to one!?!?" I exaggerated, breathing deeply and trying to stay calm.

There was one text. A single, lonesome text. Which means-

"Oh, God, I have a text!" I screamed at Leo, while beginning to pound my free hand onto his chest.

"Ouch, settle down!" Leo muttered, grabbing my hand and putting a seise to my hits. "Shit, did you know that you punch really hard for a girl? And what's so wrong with 'A text'?" Leo questioned me, holding an expression on his face that suggested I had lost my mind.

"You idiot! It's from my Dad! He isn't like the over-bearing parents some people get, it's difficult to get on his bad side. But if he asks you to do something, such as be home from a party at midnight, he gets super pissed! But does he be normal and get it all over with in one blow like normal parents??? No, he doesn't. He does something much, much worse. The look," I whispered-screamed at Leo, freaking out and suddenly feeling like the room had turned up to a thousand and one degrees.

"Ok, ok!" Leo said, holding his hands up as if to say 'I give up!'. "Then let's get you home."

Leo began walking to the door again, still seeming to be taking his time to my car, but using longer strides that I struggled to keep up with.

"Umm, what are you doing? I can get home perfectly fine by myself," I asked, not in the mood for Leo to drive me home and hopeing that Dad doesn't see him.

"Driving you home," Leo simply stated as we walked down the front marble stairs, onto the fresh, green grass.

"Leo, I would really prefer it if you didn't, thanks," I told Leo absent-mindedly, looking for my car.

"Kat, you really shouldn't be driving, remember? Even though you seemed to have sobered up a bit, your in no state to drive," Leo convicted, telling me a perfectly liable reason.

I groaned, before doing a happy little clap thing with my hands. I had- finally- found my car! Wait... did I really just do that? I looked down at my hands and frowned, before shaking myself out of that stage and unlocking the car.

Leo snatched the keys from my hand and slided into the driver seat. I yanked on the handle of the driver's side, trying to get in and Leo out. Of course, it was locked.

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