Part Seven: Unpleasant Situation

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I let go of Kale's hand, and we all walked towards to the restaurant, 'Full Moon'. Jake opened one of the two brass framed doors for Juliet, leaving the door open as an after thought for Kale and I.

It seemed that he was, obviously, a little too fascinated with my sisters rear end. Boys.

A lady that looked to be in her early twenties walked up to us, grinning from ear to ear, like the Joker in which ever Batman movie he was in. A little bit too enthusiastic for my taste...

She was holding red, thin books in her hands, which I presumed were the menu's. Her outfit was the exact same red, with a brass colour lining, and her bleach blonde hair was brushed back so tightly into her perfect pony tail that it looked painful.

"Jake Ryan, reservation for four?" she asked us, her growing creepier smile by the minute never faltering or leaving her face.

Jake nodded, continuing to only make eye contact with Juliet's figure. So, so suddle, mate. I'm going to need to have a chat with him...

"Alright, I will be your waitress, Jean, for the night! Right this way, please!" Jean cheerfully said, turning on her heal and briskly walking to the other side of the room.

We followed after her, ending up at a table seated for four. It was a nice little set up, with porcelain plates and silver cutlery.

Jake pulled out Juliet's chair for her, but before Kale could get any ideas, I quickly sat in a seat, across from Jake, with Juliet on my left.

Kale stood awkwardly for half a second, before calmly and casually sitting down. I kind of felt bad for the guy... I mean, I don't mind a little bit of gentleman behavior, but I'm not crippled. I don't need a guy to look after me.

I smiled at Kale, and he gave me a lopsided grin in return.

"Ok, so I was thinking I could start you guys off with some drinks?" Jean asked us as she placed a menu in front of each of us.

"Sounds great. I'll have a coke. What do you want, Juliet?" Jake asked, taking authority of ordering for his date. What. A. Try hard. I could already tell that I wasn't going to like that guy. He had better keep his filthy, meaty, ape-like-.

"Alright, two cokes, one bubbly water... And for you, miss?" Jean asked, pulling me from my thoughts and back into the real world.

"Ummm... I'll just have a pink lemonade, thanks," I quickly told her, smiling and picking up my menu.

"Alright, I'll be back in a moment with your drinks, and I'll get your orders," Jean told us with a smile, walking to the kitchen with a hop in her step.

I noticeably shuddered, Kale looking at me with a 'what's wrong?' expression on his chiseled face.

"Is it just me..." I began in a whisper, looking around to make sure no one was listening. "Or is that girl seriously creepy?"

Kale laughed, and I slapped him on his arm.

"Hey!" he muttered at me. "That hurt!"

Not as much as it hurt me... Seriously, where his biceps made out of bricks?

"Anyways, before you hit me, I was going to say that I completely agreed," Kale told me, wiping a tear from his beautiful now more blue eye.

"Then why were you laughing so hard?" I mumbled out, my tone sounding a bit winy, to my dismay.

"Because of your face, and the way you said it," Kale chuckled out, a corner of his mouth rising up.

I glared at Kale as he tried to copy exactly what I did, to show that it was in fact laughter worthy.

After a few seconds, though, I couldn't help but allow a small giggle push through my tight lips.

Jean came back with our beverages, and I took a long sip of my drink that ended up with half of it gone. Kale raised an eyebrow at me.

"Hey, I was thirsty!" I complained in my defense. A wry smile appeared on his lips, shaking his head condescendingly and looking at his lap.

"So, have you decided what you wanted to eat?" Jean asked us, looking at us expectantly.

Tho others ordered while I picked up my menu, scrunching my face and pursing my lips in concentration.

"Picking sushi is always so heard, right, Kat?" Kale joked, chuckling at my expression.

I just rolled my eyes at Kale, never breaking my concentration face for a moment.


I reapplied my lipstick, puckering into the mirror and smacking my lips together.

"Ready," I told Juliet, straightening up and putting the lipstick back into my purse with a yawn.

I turned and focused onto Juliet, who was still adding more mascara.

"If you keep going like that, you won't be able to blink," I commented, leaning on the bench.

"Just one more swipe..." Juliet muttered, her eyebrow almost reaching her eye line.

"Done!'' Juliet proclaimed, pleased with her handy work.

"This night is going to be done soon, if you don't hurry up," I muttered at Juliet, yanking her away from her reflection.

Kale and Jake were waiting for us at the front door.

"Sorry we took so long," Juliet giggled out, battering her eye lashes at Jake.

"Don't worry about it, babe, you look great," Jake replied, hungrily looking at her small frame and placing a hand on her hip.

Did he have to girl my little sister babe? And I swear, if he doesn't stop eye humping Juliet-

Kale started laughing at me, and I looked at him like he was a nut job.

"What are you going to do, huh? To make hime stop... What were the words you used? Oh, right, 'eye humping' Juliet,'' Kale bursted out, clutching his gut and shaking from laughter.

I could feel the colour draining out of my cheeks.

"Did I say that out loud?" I whispered, half shocked and half surprised. Kale nodded his head at me, tears streaming down his face.

I anxiously looked towards Juliet and Jake, curious if they heard what I said. But they were already in the car, and I couldn't see what they were doing, due to the dark tint.

I whipped my head towards Kale, whose laughter was gradually subsiding.

"Done yet Mad Hatter?" I questioned, not waiting for an answer and storming off towards the car.

Kale grabbed my arm just before I reached the cars back seat door, and spun me around towards him.

I glared at him, and his hand that was still on my right bicep. I was expecting an apology.

"You have a really short temper, did you know that?" Kale questioned me.

I didn't get an apology.

"Only when people aggravate me," I shot back.

''Nothing a little ice-cream can't fix," Kale replied, smiling down at me.

I rolled my eyes, remembering that Kale had decided we would get desert somewhere else, not here.

Kale's arm was on my shoulder, and it didn't seem he would be removing it soon. I shrugged him off, and jumped into the car.

"Remember, Juliet and I need to be home by-" I started, but stopped in the middle of my sentence.

Juliet was straddling Jake in the drivers seat, swapping a good amount of saliva, his hand underneath her dress.

My mouth dropped, and Juliet looked at me like a deer caught in head lights.

Sorry this took so long to update! There is going to be a big secret dropped out in one of the next few chapters, so look out for it! And if your enjoying this story, please tell me?

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 02, 2014 ⏰

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