Part Three: Improvising

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I slipped my phone out from my pocket and read the two texts I had received a few minutes ago. One was from an unknown number, and the other one was from Juliet. I answered Juliet's text first.

Juliet: Hey, how's the plan going? Can't wait to here all about it :) As soon as this stupid bus gets me home :/

Me: So far, so good. Met him today, he's in most of my classes. Sorry you have to catch the bus :(

I quickly looked at the text from the unknown number.

???: Hey :) Hope you dont mind (not that you will), but Luis gave me your number

I quickly dropped my phone onto my side passenger seat and started driving, the other vehicles stalling behind me honking, shouting and making rude gestures.

I smirked slightly and waved sarcastically as one of the cars swerved around me. Asshole.

I was just a few turns away from Poppy St, a few turns away from... Ummm... I guess you could call it... home? Whatever.

I sharply turned onto the pebble driveway and parked my car into the double car spaced shed. Jumping out of my car and grabbing my bag, I made a bee-line for the front door. Fumbling with my shiny, brand new gold keys, I jerked the correct key into the lock before hearing a faint 'click'.

I stepped into the open space, with the dark wooden floor and marble walls. I still couldn't believe the one acre of backyard, viewed clearly through the floor to ceiling walls on the opposite side of the room, which gave way suddenly to a dense forest that you could get lost in for days.

Chucking my bag on the coach, I hopped slightly to the kitchen on the left, grabbing an apple from the red fruit bowl and sitting on a stool placed underneath the marble island.

Taking a bite into the juicy apple, juice slightly dripping onto my chin, I re-read the text before typing a reply.

Me: I don't know...I may need to talk to Luis about him giving my number to strange men, Blake

Only a few moments later, I received a reply.

Blake: I'm not that strange, but I would defiantly be the manliest man you've ever met ;)

Me: P- to the -lease, you only barely pass the requirements for a 'man'. I'm still not 100% sure whether or not you have a vagina or a dick. One of the greatest mysteries of life...

Blake: So you've been thinking about my dick? :0 ;)

Me: Merely contemplating if it's a strap-on or not. Although, if it was a strap on, why would you choose such a small size...

Blake: Ouch, that hurts. I would be more insulted if it didn't mean this cute Australian girl wasn't checking it out today. ;)

I got a little flustered, and didn't know how to reply. This never happens to me.

Me: I got to go. Homework and dinner to make. See you tomorrow

I placed my iPhone onto the island in front of me, before pulling my homework out of my bag. Slightly chewing on the lid of my pen, I got to work.

Roughly about an hour later, I was done and beginning to prepare dinner. I heard a familiar click from the front door, before Juliet came in, dragging her bag on the ground and stomping her way over to the red stool I had previously been sitting on. With a grunt, Juliet rested her elbows onto the bench and her head in her hands.

"Nice to see you to, Miss Sunshine and Rainbows," I said to Juliet while stripping some zucchini into thin slices.

Juliet raised her head slightly before saying, "Sorry. Not a good day."

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