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I wake up hearing Belle running down the hallway yelling "First day of school get up George and Alex, you can't be late today you idiots" I roll my eyes knowing we will probably be late. Maybe only by a few minutes if i'm lucky. I throw my feet to the side of my bed and force myself to get up. I shuffle through my drawers to find a nice clean shirt and some shorts. I grab a simple black v-neck and white shorts to wear and then walk out of my bedroom door. Immediately I see George and Alex pushing each other and laughing.

"Are you two serious? You aren't even dressed yet!" Belle yells once again. You wouldn't believe that my brothers are 17 and 18. This is Georges last year of high school finally, and Alex well he was held back in freshman year because he only showed up for about a month, so if he actually goes to school this year it will be his last year also. And me, i'm a sophomore now. I run my way down the stairs and grab a waffle that just popped out of the toaster.

"Thanks Belle, i'm going to leave earlier so i'm not stuck being late on my first day of school with these idiots" I say to her in a somewhat joking way

"I get it, see you later Hadlee, love you!" Belle says and I grab my backpack and walk out the door

"Love you too" I reply. I walk my way down the cracked sidewalk and see my old disgusting brick school. With each step I get closer and realize how much more I don't want to be going here. I later walk in through the cold metal doors and see everyone I absolutely hate. I find my locker and try the combination to see if it works. I turn my head to the left and see some new kid I've never seen here before. He has dark brown hair and a really really nice face. I look up and he catches me staring at him.

"Take a picture, it will last longer" He smirks at me

"O-oh i'm sorry" I stutter

"I was joking princess calm down" He laughs

"Princess?" I raise an eyebrow at him

"Well you haven't told me your real name now have you?"

"It's Hadlee"

"Hadlee, that's one I've never heard of" He smiles "Mines Nick, it's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too" I smile back "are you new here?"

"Yeah, I don't know how much I like Chicago yet"

"Maybe I can show you around one day" I offer

"That would be nice" He gives me a little half smile. Then the annoying bell rings, of course. "I'll see you later princess." Oh my god, why is he calling me princess. I mean I can't complain he's really really attractive. I walk to the English hallway and go down three doors and turn to my left. I look up and I see the boy who has been calling me princess.

"Princess so nice to see you, sit next to me" Nick laughs

"Oh shut up Nick"

"I get no nickname?" He pretends to frown

"Maybe some other day" I give him a big fake smile. I pull out my notebook and begin to write down the supplies I need. I look over and see Nick writing nothing, instead of writing he is talking to girls of course. How could I ever begin to think a boy like Nick would ever like me. Sadness begins to overflow me, I realize how stupid I am now. I turn myself a little so my back is somewhat facing Nick and I don't have to look at him.

For the rest of class nothing happened. Everyone sat and talked to there friends while the teachers did nothing. I sat on my phone and played games while Nick talked to a couple of whores. Once the bell rang for us to leave class I hurried out the door.

"Princess where are you going?" Nick stopped me

"To my next class, get off" I snapped

"Woah, what the hell did I do to you?"

"Nothing, stay away from me" I quickly turn around and walk to my next class.

For the rest of the day my mind was wondering what he actually thought of me. Maybe every time he called me "princess" he actually thought I was a dork.

At the end of the day I grabbed my backpack and walked out the metal doors once again with everyone else. I stood outside by the flag pole waiting for George and Alex to come out of the building.

"Hey Hadlee" I hear a familiar voice. I look up and find myself looking at Nick

"Didn't I tell you to leave me alone" I look down at my feet

"Tell me what I did wrong. We were fine one minute and now you're acting like you hate me."

"You didn't even talk to me!"

"What?" Nick gives me a confused look "yes I did"

"Not during English. You talked to those fucking-"

"It's my first day here, I was trying to make new friends" He cuts me off

"Yeah but you don't have to be friends with them" I tell Nick

"What's going on here" Alex looks at me

"Who is this kid?" George asks

"No one important" I look at Nick and start walking to my house.

"Did he hurt you?" Alex asks me

"No he's just fucking dick" I roll my eyes. I reach in my pocket to find my phone gone. "Shit. My phones gone. I'm going to go back, i'll catch up with you guys later"

"Okay. Text me when you get it back" George says and I nod. I walk my way back up to the school and see Nick leaning against the fence looking at me. I look at his hand and see my phone there.

"Give me my phone back!" I yell

"Go on a date with me tonight" Nick says

"No, what, are you insane" I give him a disgusted look

"I'm only as insane as you think I am" He holds my phone up as high as he can

"Fine, fucking fine" I roll my eyes

"So you'll go on the date with me tonight?" Nick raises an eyebrow

"Yes, give me my phone" I demand

"Here you go, my number is already in your phone" Nick winks and I begin to walk back down to my house once again. I feel my phone vibrate and I look down


Wear something hot tonight ;)


Why the hell is your name daddy


You don't need to worry about that, just look good tonight princess

What the hell have I gotten myself into

ShamelessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang