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I look out my dirty window to find Nick. I open my window and shout at him "What the hell are you doing here!"

"Hadlee i'm sorry for being a douche, I love you!" He yells back

"Are you drunk?" I ask, but then I hear someone slam in

"Why the fuck are you yelling" Alex walks in. Shit shit shit

"Nothing, sorry" I say quickly

"Is someone out there?" Alex asks and begins walking towards the window

"Hadlee!" Nick yells again

"Is that the fucking Nick kid, Hadlee I swear to god i'm going to rip him apart" Alex stomps out of my room and makes his way outside and I follow behind him.

"Alex stop" I grab his arm and he quickly yanks it out of my grip

"This fucking dick shouldn't be here" Alex says furiously and slams the door open and sprints outside, I follow right behind "Look here Nick you little bit-"

"Let me talk to him really quick Alex please" I beg

"Fine, if he's not gone in the next ten minutes, i'm beating the shit out of him" Alex walks back inside

"Nick, you cannot show up at my house this late. You can't show up drunk either. I don't know what you're thinking. Let me take you home" I hold out my hand for the keys

"Not until you kiss me" Nick smirks

"Nick. Give me the keys" I demand. Then Nick starts to make kissy faces at me "fuck you, give me the keys" Nick begins to walk closer to me and I grab the keys out of his hands

"You bitch" He cusses

"Excuse me?" I raise an eyebrow "I'm the bitch? I'm trying to get you home without you getting in an accident"

"I don't care Hadlee, give me the keys back" Nick says

"Come inside"

"What?" Nick looks at me confused

"Just come inside, it's late. You can sleep on the couch." I begin to walk inside and Nick follows me. I open the door and he follows behind me.

"What is he doing in here?" Alex gives me a concerned look

"Alex, he's drunk. Just let him sleep on the couch tonight. I'll have him out before Belle sees"

"You better hope she doesn't see" he warns me

I roll my eyes and go upstairs to grab Nick a pillow and blanket. I had the to him and he lays down. "Goodnight for real this time" I smile

"Goodnight princess" He gives a little smile back.


I hear my alarm and I hit it quickly remembering Nick is downstairs. I make my way down the stairs and find Nick sleeping peacefully on the couch. I shake him awake and he jumps.

"Hadlee?" he looks confused

"You slept on my couch last night, here we have to get you home. My family won't be up for another hour or so." I get up and he follows. "Are you lightheaded or anything?"

"No, just a little queasy" he replies

"Okay" I grab his keys off the table "I'm driving, I don't need you throwing up while driving" I jump in his jeep and start the car. I start driving and Nick starts to stare at me

"I don't know what the hell I did last night, all I know is that it wasn't good. I'm sorry Hadlee"

"You told me you loved me" I say under my breath

"I said what"

"You... You told me you loved me" I tell him

"Turn here" he points "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to say something like that"

"So you don't love me?" I ask

"Yes, no, I mean no" He couldn't make up his mind

"Look we just met Nick. I don't think you can love someone in just a day of knowing them" I tell him

"My house is the next one to he right. And I was drunk. Don't expect me to be in the right mind."

I stop the car in the front of his house. "Um Hadlee" Nick says

"What?" I reply

"How are you getting home" Nick laughs

"Shit I didn't think this through" I hit my forehead "I'll text Alex"

"Come in while you wait." He offers and I accept. I walk inside his house and it was like a fucking mansion "yeah, my parents aren't home most of the time. Usually on business vacations, you know"

"This is insane" I look all around me. I grab my phone and text Alex


Hey, come pick me up the address is 5672 River Lane

Alex isn't awake what am I thinking

"Hadlee about the whole I love you thing, I didn't mean it in the way you think I did. I would really love to date you.. I just.. Well.. I've never had an actual girlfriend. I do care about you, i'm just not sure of my feelings" He scratches the back of his head

"Nick, I would love to be friends with you, I just.. I don't know. You don't really seem like my type" I reply

"I've never felt this way about anybody" he tells me

"Believe me you don't want to date me"

"Why wouldn't I? You're gorgeous Hadlee. Your personality is like no others" Nick grabs both of my hands

"My family is a mess, you don't deserve to be around them. You deserve much much better"

"My family doesn't even talk to me. They send me money and that's about it. They've been gone for two weeks. I never see them"

"Nick I can't date you. Once you meet my family, you'll never talk to me again"

"Princess don't say that" Nick runs his hand through my hair and I look down to my feet

"Nick.. It's not that I don't like you because I really do-"

"You like me?" Nick cuts me off

"I mean I-" Nick cuts me off once again but this time it's not with words, it's with a kiss. He gently presses his lips against mine. I feel my heart begin to flutter in my chest and then he lets go.

"I know you don't want that, but I really just need to get that out" Nick looks down to the ground. I smile and move his chin up with my hand and push my lips against his again, but this time I pushed harder than I did last time. This time, it was much more passionate. I grab his shoulders and pull him closer to be as he grabs my shirt and pulls me. Then someone begins to bang on the door. Nick and I remove our lips from each others as he goes to open the door and I pray it is not Alex or Belle.. but it is something much much worse.

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