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I park my brothers car and take a deep breath. I think about how in the hell i'm going to tell my family about this. Luckily, Nick isn't back yet so I walk inside and see Belle sitting in the living room.

"Hey Belle, I have something to tell all of you" I say

"Okay the guys are in the kitchen" She replies as we walk into the kitchen. Belle and I sit down at the table and I take a deep breath.

"First of all, this doesn't go to Nick at all." I tell them and they all nod "Nicks parents were murdered.. The officer came up to me and told me Steve may have something to do to with it. The officer has my number so he will probably call me. I'm serious about this. Nick cannot find out my father may have killed his parents"

"Where is Nick anyways?" Alex asks

"He's driving around" I reply. Once we all sit in shock, they all get in and I stay sitting. I feel my phone vibrate and I check it


Hey, i'm on my way home. Just wanted to let you know i'm okay. Can we go out to dinner?


Yeah definitely.


Okay i'll be there in about 15 minutes


Okay, see you soon.

I go upstairs to change into a simple black dress. I quickly straighten my hair and put on black slides. I look in the mirror and put on a little foundation with mascara. I really need to get this off of Nicks mind tonight.. I go downstairs and go say bye to Belle and the boys.

"Where are you going tonight?" George asks

"Dinner with Nick" I reply

"So are you two like a thing?" Belle winks at me

"Shush guys" I laugh. I hear Nicks car pull up so I began to talk out and I step into his car. "Where to?"

"Something simple" His face still emotionless

"Nick can I do anything?" I ask putting my hand on his thigh

"I hope you're not thinking sex will take my mind off of the fact my parents just died." He snaps

"No.. That's not what I was going for" I remove my hand from his thigh

"Of course it's not."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean" I say and Nick begins to pull the car over into an empty parking lot

"It means, Hadlee, you're never going for sex. It wasn't supposed to be rude, you're just taking it the wrong way"

"Why are you being so rude Nick" I turn away from him

"I'm not being rude, you're just taking it the wrong way"

"Nick what the hell" I throw my arms up

"What the hell? What the hell what Hadlee. I'm so so so sorry my parents were just fucking murdered. How do you expect me to react. Am I supposed to be happy for you? Well i'm fucking sorry." Nick looks away

"God Nick i'm sorry I can-" I am cut off by my phone ringing and it's the police station. " Hold on" I say getting out of the car and walking around the empty parking lot. I answer the phone.

"Hello" I greet him

"Ms. Green?" He asks

"Yes" I reply

"We have got the prints back, your fathers prints were the only one found. This case is going to trial next week, do I need to tell Mr. Robinson the news or can you?"

"I can sir"

"Thank you" and the officer ends the call with that.

"Fuck!" I scream. I felt my eyes begin to fill up with tears but I quickly try to stop it so I can walk back to Nick. Once I get back to the car I get in and apologize. "Nick.. I have something to tell you"

"What" He doesn't even look at me

"That was the officer.. My father is going to trial next week" Nicks head quickly turns

"What? What for?"

"Nick.. He killed your parents. I don't know why I-I guess for drug money" I try to say quickly. I begin to fill tears fill up in my eyes again. Nick doesn't say a word and begins driving again. It's silent the whole ride home. I felt tears come down but I just kept wiping them off. Once Nick and I got inside Belle looked at me concerned.

"Steve's going to trial next week" I tell her

"Oh my god. I guess Nick didn't take it too well"

"Not at all" I hear a loud bang and I run upstairs. The glass on my mirror is broken and Nicks bag is packed and he has it around his shoulders

"Nick what are you doing" I get in front of him

"I'm leaving.. I can't be here" Nick moves towards the door and I grab his arm

"Nick stop wait please" I beg him

"Why should I stop? Tell me why. Is it because you're so so sorry your father killed my parents. You can't take that back, no one can." Nick pulls his arm out of my grip and I follow him down stairs

"Nick stop! I can't control my father!"

"You should've gave him that money that day he came.. He wouldn't have killed my parents" Nick walks out the door and I follow him and stop him before he gets in his car

"Please listen to me, I can't control what my father does. He's an alcoholic and a druggie Nick. Please don't walk out on me"

"Move Hadlee" He demands me

"I don't want someone I love walking out on me again" I put my hands against his chests

"Hadlee move" He demands again

"Please think about this, just take a minute" I try to stop him but he moves me out of the way

"Nick I love you!" I shout as he drives off. He looked like a monster. I have never seen him so angry at one time. I stand there feeling my own tears fall down my face. I walk inside and back into my room and see the shattered pieces of my mirror on my floor. I grab my phone and try to call Nick.. but no response. That night I tried calling Nick 26 times.. and every time there was no response..

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