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I run out of my brother Alex's car faster than I ever have before. I go into the police station, my heart feeling like it's about to come out of my chest. My head turns left and right frantically looking for Nick.

"Ma'am how may I help you?" The lady asks me

"I'm looking for Nick, Nick Robinson" I tell her still trying to look for Nick

"May I ask who you are?" She asks me another question

"His girl- a friend" I correct myself

"Well, i'm going to have to ask you to take a seat" She tells me. I back up and sit down. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. I look up and see Nick coming out of a room in handcuffs. With that, I quickly stand up and go over to him.

"Hadlee?" Nick looks at me confused

"What the hell is going on?" I ask him

"My father reported his car stolen and now i'm too blame for it. He doesn't even use the damn car" Nick licks his lips

"I'll get you out of this mess don't worry" I assure him

"Hadlee, do not get yourself in trouble with the police" He tries to stop me as I walk over to the same man who handcuffed Nick earlier.

"Excuse me sir" I tap his shoulder

"Yes ma'am" he turns around

"I need to tell you something about Mr. Robinson" The man nods his head and takes me into those questioning rooms like you see on t.v. shows. I feel my anxiety start kicking in as the officer and I take a seat in this empty cold room.

"What would you like to tell me?" The man asks taking out a pen and paper

"It was my fault Nick stole his father's car. My alcoholic father came in and started calling me these nasty names and I called Nick for help. By the time Nick came over, Steve was gone. I was so shaken up after this happened, Nick decided to stay and help me. Nick didn't even have his fathers car for 24 hours." I tell him

"I see.. Is everything alright at home?" He asks another question

"Yes, there's nothing specifically wrong"

"Specifically?" He questions

"I mean all family's have their up and downs, but besides my father never really coming around we have no serious issues" I answer his question

"What about your mother?"

"Well see, our mother left us when we were young"

"Then who takes care of you or you all if you have brothers and sisters?" He gave me a confused look

"My older sister does. She's our parental guardian I guess. And yes I do have brothers also, They're both seniors in high school"

"Okay, this will be all for now.. I may call you later. Could you leave me your number?" He hands me his pen and a piece of notepad paper. I nod my head and begin to write my number on the paper and then walk out of the room. "Mr. Robinson you're free to go" the officer says while unlocking his handcuffs.

"Thank you sir" Nick nods his head and smiles. He looks over to me and gives me a surprised look as we walk out of the station. "How'd you do that?"

"Do what?" I ask

"Get me out of that situation"

"I just talked to him. He understood what had happened" I tell him and Nick grabs my hand.

"Let go of her hand" Alex snaps

"Alex quit" I say back, instead of replying Alex rolls his eyes as we get into his car.

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