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"Nick!" The two strangers come in through the door

"Mom... Dad" Nick says looking confused

"Who is this girl?" His dad asks

"Her name is Hadlee. Um.. What are you guys doing home?" Nick replies

"Our trip was cut short" His dad said "Now Hadlee how are you?" He came over to be with his hand out

"I'm good, thank you for asking" I shake his hand

"Now, what are you doing in my house" Nicks dad snaps

"Sir I was just dropping Nick off from.. His friends"

"My son was out with his friends? I just came in and your tongue was down his throat"

"Correction, there was no tongue dad" Nick jumps in

"Look Hadlee, i'm very sorry you had to meet us this way. Are you Nick's girlfriend?" His mom asked me

"No, no. Just a friend" I reply

"Well Hadlee, would you like something to drink?" She asks me

"No, I must be getting home soon" I tell them

"I'll drive you" Nick offers

"No, I'll be fine, stay here with your parents." I tell him

"Hadlee." Nick looks at me very seriously "I'm going to drop Hadlee off, i'll be back soon"

"Nick I said I'll be fine" I tell him once again

"Hadlee, I can't be with them. I'm usually alone but when they come home it's.. awful" Nick looks down "Can I stay with you until they're gone, I know it's a lot to ask from you but I really can't stay with them Hadlee please"

"Okay, okay come on" Nick jumps in the car and begins to drive us to my house

"What if they get worried?" I ask

"Oh don't worry, they won't" Nick laughs. Once he pulls into my driveway I hop out.

"What about clothes?" I ask another question

"I have a bag in the back, I never know when i'm going to run away. So I always have to be prepared."

I walk inside and Nick follows. I walk in and see Belle sitting on the couch. "Who's that?" She asks

"Belle, this is Nick. He needs a place to stay for a few days so do you mind if he stays here?"

"No, not at all. Make yourself comfortable" she smiles to Nick and gets up. I smile back to her and Nick sets his bag on the couch.

"Are you going to show me around princess?" Nick smirks and I roll my eyes. I take him upstairs

"To the left is Alex's room and to the right is George's, they're both my older brothers. Right next to mine is the bathroom and then Belle's" I point to each door

"Why don't you show me where yours is again" Nick grabs my hips and winks

"Nick my older sister is home and if she finds out we're doing this she won't let you stay here" I explain

"Let's take that risk" Nick looks at my lips and gently kisses them and lets go quickly. He opens my door and we slip inside and silently shut it. Nick slams me onto the door and aggressively begins kissing me. His tongue grazes my lips then he slowly moves his soft lips down to my neck and sucks directly on my sweet spot, I let out a gentle moan. Then I hear banging on the wall

"Hadlee I can hear you" George yells and I laugh

"We always get interrupted" Nick says

"Welcome to my family" I smile. I open my door and see George standing there in shock

"Oh when Alex finds out" He says

"Oh he better not find out" I threaten George

"How are you going to explain that little hickey on your neck, he wasn't born yesterday" George laughs

"Shit Nick!" I slap his shoulder

"Oh don't act like you didn't like it" Nick whispers in my ear. His hot breath against my neck turns me on more than ever

"So are you all like fuck buddies or dating?" George asks

"Fuck buddies" Nick answers immediately

"You better not be fucking my little sister" George snaps and fear rushes through Nicks body "Hey, i'm kidding man" George then walks back down stairs and I turn to Nick

"Whoops" he shrugs his shoulders.

"You idiot" I laugh at him. Nick and I made our way downstairs and went into the kitchen. Then the door slams open. "I swear if it's Alex" I say to myself. I quickly turn my head to find my father, the one who only shows up to ask for money.

"Belle where the fuck are you" my father Steve yells

"Nick go in the basement" I tell him

"What?" He gives me a confused look

"Just go down stairs, I'll be down there in a minute okay" I tell him and he nods and begins to walk down stairs. I walk towards my alcoholic father. "Steve what are you doing here"

"I'm looking for your slut of a sister, Belle" he spits on the ground. He looked dirty and useless, his clothes were torn with holes everywhere. He reeked of smoke and alcohol.

"She's not home, you can leave" I tell him

"I am your father, don't tell me to leave"

"You're not a father to me Steve. The day you left was the day you became nothing to me but an alcoholic druggie" I snap

"Don't say those things about me"

"Get out or i'm calling the cops" I walk to the kitchen to grab the phone

"Oh Hadlee you wouldn't call the cops on your sweet father"

"You're not sweet Steve, get out now" I raise my voice a little

"You're just like your mother. A worthless bitch" after he said those words I began to dial 911 "Fine, i'm leaving" Steve gives me the middle finger and walks out. I make my way to the basement to get Nick and tell him he can come up now. Once Nick comes upstairs he opens his arm to hug me.

"Nick i'm fine, I really am" I assure him

"I heard the things he said to you, you're not worthless" He pulls me closer and kisses me forehead.

"I have some things to tell you" I grab Nicks hand and take him to the couch, once we both sit down I take a deep breath "My mother left me when I was young, I've never even met her from what I can remember. My father, from what you just heard, he's an alcoholic and uses drugs a lot. My sister, Belle, is sweet when she doesn't drink. When she drinks she gets very very angry. I don't want you to live in a house where you don't feel comfortable"

"Hadlee, you make me comfortable. I know I can't say much because I do have a mother and father but my father is abusive. That's why when he gets home, I never like staying there. My mom never stops it, she just lets it happen." He says holding my hand

"I'm sorry Nick"

"It's not your fault Hadlee, don't apologize" Nick says. I look at Nick and lean forward to give him a soft gentle kiss.

"How did I get so lucky" I smile

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