Moving In

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New in the neighborhood, still in the same old town, me and my cousin Jake are preparing our new house. We're both in on the house, ready to share it as we start college.
Me and Jake grew up together, he's like a brother to me. He's a total ass sometimes but that's something I am used to.
We found this house for rather cheap I gotta say, but I've heard rumors about this house which made me pretty skeptical of buying it. They said it was haunted, some poor teenager died there. But I've always wanted to put my suspicions to rest, and prove to myself its nothing.
We soon arrived at the house in my cousin's old van. This is the first time seeing the house in person, and from the looks of it, seemed
It was a small red brick house, with a wooden roof surrounding it was about ten ominous trees. It just screams to me "bad idea" haha but that's not going to stop us.
We open the front door to a dark entry way, brown strange tiles for the flooring, and matching wallpaper too.
To the left was a long hallway with the bed and bath rooms. To the right, a large den. Straight ahead was the living room with dark wood paneling and brown scruffy carpet.
"See Kate? Told you it's not so bad" Jake says with a smug smile. "I thought we bought a house, not a horror movie set." I say sarcastically.
"Give it time, we'll fix it up a bit and before you know it, it'll be a home" he says to me reassuringly. "It's a lot of work but I'll give it a chance." I say in defeat.
We start walking through the rest of the house, as we walk through the den old bookshelves, and pictures still sit, covered in dust. I examine the photos, looking at these unfamiliar faces. Someone who catches my eye, a dirty blonde haired teen, seems to be around, 17 to 18. He's being held in a headlock, by an older guy with brown hair and green eyes, smiling ear to ear.
I laugh to myself at this, thinking Jake would do the same to me.
Jake snaps his fingers to gain my attention, he's to the left of me in what looks like the kitchen. The stove is set in a brick wall with an arch window looking to the living room. The sink was steel, with a light above it reminding me of a hospital light with a mirror facing you. White fake marbel counter tops, and empty wood cabinets, its not so bad.
I walk through the house to the long white hallway, there's three bedrooms and two bathrooms. On the left the first bedroom with only an old red recliner white walled, and a large closet with vented doors.
To the right the first bathroom. It was white tiled, with butterfly wallpaper, which kinda creeped me out. The wall on the left was basically made to be a full mirror. In front of me was the sink, simple and clean.
I admire the look of the bathtub, bright blue with white tile. I turn to leave and see through the hallway to the back bedroom, the door was shut...All the rooms in the house were supposed to be open, even the closets, so I assume Jake was in there. I sneak through the hallway passing the master bedroom to attempt to scare Jake like he always does to me. I get so close to the door, my hand reaching for the doorknob and then...."Hey Kate. Whatcha doing?" Right behind me was Jake. I jump straight up in fear letting only a squeak of terror leave my mouth. "DAMMIT JAKE WHY DO YOU ALWAYS DO THAT TO ME?!?!" I yell at him as he stands there laughing his tail off at me. "Why were you behind me anyways I thought you were in here?" I say in confusion. "I was looking for you and found you trying to be sneaky so I took the opportunity" he says trying to stop laughing.
"So who closed the door then?" I ask in suspicious. "Must have been shut before we got here" Jake replies without worrying. I open the door only to find an empty room with only a crate in it. The closet was shut as well, and I suddenly got this feeling like something didn't want me to be there, I felt uneasy about it and left it be...
About three hours later after moving a lot of boxes in, stalking up the fridge and cabinets with food and a few dishes we decided to take a break. Jake had left to go back and grab a few more things from his dad and I stayed to take a nap. I went back to the last room and set up my bed forgetting about those feelings from earlier. I finish making my bed and curl up on top with just my wolf blanket. I dose off for what it seems like hours, and wake up to a soft tapping noise. I get up to investigate, not having those fears from earlier but feeling like something wanted me to be alone to find it. I listen to find out where the noise is coming from and look to the closet. I go over and try to pull open the door but it barely moves, I tug and pull and finally it opens and to my surprise its clothes...the blonde boy's clothes.
I look through them and find his red hoodie, the one he was wearing in the picture. I take it, and go to the bathroom to try it on. Once I fits perfectly, I put my hands in the pockets and feel something small and metal.
[End of Chapter one]

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