This Isn't Possible!

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I open the crate up to see...letters, pictures, and drawings. I look at the back of the lid and it reads "Property of Alex Trinton" I pick up one of the envelops and it says "To the girl in my dreams, I know you'll find this" I think to myself " That's a bit weird..." I open it to figure out what and it reads: "Dear Kate, yes I know your name. I've seen you in my dreams, I've seen all your life. Your early life after you lost your mom was a living hell. You're the middle child of the family but was never treated like you were apart of it. You ran away at a young age, you caused so much trouble, so your parents gave you were shipped off to your cousins house to live with them. There you struggled with your depression, your self harm addiction..I watched this every night when I closed my eyes. I woke up crying for you, wondering why. Why was I witnessing this poor girl's life, why do I see her in pain when I can't bring her happiness. I was just living my life waiting to go to sleep, waiting to see if there was a happy ending, but it never came...
There will be more of these letters. I wish you the best mystery girl...I hope one day you'll read this.
I sit there, in shock, unable to breathe, move, scream..."I have just read a letter that's addressed to me...? This isn't even possible, this has to be one of Jake's awful pranks." I think to myself.
I look through the box and found something else that gave me was a drawing, a portrait of a was like looking in a mirror. It was me that was drawn...same eyes, same nose, same hair, even my birthmark that's on the side of my nose. I feel myself shake, trembling in silence as I feel tears stream down my face. "This is impossible! This has gone far enough" I thought to myself. I got up and look back to the door that was shut and locked when I opened the crate, now wide open and unlocked..."Can this get any creepier?''
I get up and walk straight to the master bedroom and yell at the top of my lungs "THIS IS TOO FAR JAKE. YOU HAVE CROSSED THE LINE WITH THIS SICK JOKE!" Jake jumps out of bed in utter fear, "WHAT THE HELL KATE, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?" "THE CRATE, THE LETTER, THE DRAWINGS, THE WRITING IN THE STEAM, WHY'D YOU DO THAT?! THAT'S JUST TOO FAR! YOU'RE GOING TO SCARE ME TO DEATH!" I yell at him furiously. "wait...what the hell are you talking about. I didn't mess with that damn crate it was locked, and I've been in this bed dreaming about f**king bikini girls an you interrupted me" he pouts.
"You mean to tell me you had nothing to do with these?!?" I say holding up the letter and drawing. "Damn, that drawing looks just like you, lemme see that letter." Jake says in curiosity.
After he finished reading the letter Jake looks up at me startled and worried. "This is insane, it's not even possible. Where's that crate, Who is Alex?"
"I don't know but tomorrow I'm going to find out. Go back to sleep we'll figure this out in the morning" I say to calm him down. "Alright fine, just don't go digging to deep. Goodnight" Jake says crawling back in bed. "Goodnight" I say as I'm shutting his door.

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