Tragedy Once Again

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I sit there questions buzzing through my head. I think to myself, "Maybe Alex left me more clues in that box." 
I go to grab the box then I heard a knock. "Hey, I'm heading to work. Keep outta trouble will ya?" Jake says slightly opening the door. "Me, in trouble? Never even thought of such a thing." I say smugly. We say our goodbyes and once again I'm alone. I pull out the box, unlock it once again and go to pull out another letter. It reads:
"My dream girl, It's another lonely, cold day. It's the day my parents passed away two years ago...I'm lost, I'm waiting to find out if there's a reason I see you every night. Even now I'm not sure what's the point. I'm crazy, even my brother thinks so...But I know there's a reason! I must stay alive to meet you one day. I know we will. Last night, the dream I had you were celebrating your seventeenth birthday...and you were all alone. I feel like you need me for something so I will keep writing to you, we'll figure this out one day. 
If it means anything, you were never alone, you've always had me. Even if it was all one sided. Til the we meet, and if it means anything to you...Happy Birthday.
A small smile grows on my face, "that birthday was lonely. I was out of town, trying to get away from all the pain and depression and lead myself into even more...I'm definitely not the smartest girl to say the least. 
It's nice to know I wasn't completely alone, even though its a rather strange and kinda creepy situation." I thought to myself. And then i had that dreaded feeling again...I was being watched. I turn my head slowly to look around behind me and I see in the corner of my eye the's opened. 
I get up slowly walking towards the dark small room. I suddenly get the smell of a guy's cologne in my nose, it smelt good...hard to even describe. I try to turn on the light but to no success, the bulb was burnt out. I step in with one foot and just as I enter...I hear *buzz* *buzz* *buzz* my phone was ringing. 
I went over to it as it buzzed on my desk, "911 EMERGENCY" read the ID...
I answer praying to God its a mistake. 
"Kate Lyle?" A woman asks. "This is her..." My voice trembles out the words. "This is the Oklahoma Police department, we regret to inform you that your cousin Jake Wesson was in a fatal car accident moments ago. You turned up to be the only living relative he's been in contact with. He has been airlifted to St. Johns Hospital. He's in critical condition in the E.R." I stand there in total agony, speechless motionless hearing my worse nightmare. 


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