Oh, So Little Answers

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Walking to the kitchen after saying goodnight to Jake I see that none of the lights that I left on were on anymore. I reach in my pocket and pull out my phone to use as a flashlight to find my way to get a drink. I find a glass and as I'm filling it up at the sink I hear a shatter right next to me. I scream and jump back frantically looking around to see what had made that noise and find that a dish from the dishes rack above me had fallen..."Most have been a mouse or something." I say trying to reassure myself.
I go back to my room put the crate back under my bed and go to sleep. I find myself in the same house, but it's brighter, cleaner and...normal. I walk around calling out Jake's name. He's nowhere to be found...I go to his room, it's filled with furniture, that wasn't ours. I look around and go to the hallway calling his name once again. I see my room's door is shut and I walk to open it, reaching for the doorknob...it starts to turn, I pull my hand back waiting for Jake to come out of my room, but that's not Jake, it's the boy from the picture! I jump back and hold in a scream. "Who are you?!? How'd you get in my house?!" I say to him trying to stop him from walking away. But he ignores me, its like I'm not even there. He keeps walking as I follow him. He goes to the den, looking at someone sitting on the floral print couch sitting in front of the window. It was the other guy from the picture. He was just sitting there almost lifelessly. I see the blonde haired teen almost run in slow motion, breaking down as he does. His screams are silent to my ears, I just watch from the side, he stops in front of the the dark haired boy, shaking him, trying to wake him up. As he does this I see...a pill bottle now empty, roll from the boy's hand. That's when I knew this wasn't a boy anymore, it was a corpse...
I see this blonde boy crying, sobbing beside what was once someone close to him. I feel myself even crying it seems. Then everything starts fading, going black. I wake up. I sit up in my bed trying to process what I just saw. I feel my face, the tears were still there. "Why did I just witness that...? I gotta learn more about this house, who were those boys?"
I thought to myself. I get my laptop out and google the address, and instantly my heart drops. The first article read "TWO TEENS DEAD IN HOME" I click on it. "Oklahoma Police officers found Andrew Trinton and Younger brother Alex Trinton dead in they're home. Officers say that 19 year old Andrew was found dead laid in his bed after a tragic overdose suicide attempt. His younger brother Alex, only 18 years old had committed suicide by hanging himself in a closet approximately 2 days after his brother's death. No foul play was suspected. The two men lived alone. They assume Alex had dressed, and put his brother in that bed after he died to "put him to rest" a tombstone was carved into the wall above his bed. Alex was found in the back bedroom assumed to be his in the closet hung by a belt.
Such a tragic event to plague the quiet neighborhood."
My heart was shattered. "The dream I had...I witnessed Alex find his brother dead. But, who is Alex? How does he know of me?" All these questions so little answers...

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