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Three've been in this room. I think to myself sitting on this dark house. I stood up walking to the mirror, all dressed and ready for the worst part. Black dress and all I walk out to get in my car, I can still smell him in here...It feels like hours upon hours driving to the funeral, and then sitting there watching them lower him down broke my heart more and more. I just want to go home now...Blank stares were broken up by short condolences by Jake's friends, I kindly accepted and got up. I didn't want to stay there any longer.
Back home, I sit in the living room, the wood beams creak and groan at me. I don't pay any attention to it. More and more strange things are happening in this house, but my broken spirit isn't sparked with curiosity any longer. Glasses fall, pictures move, strange sounds try to lure me out of my depressing state.
Finally, after sulking on the couch all day watching episode after episode of Supernatural and crying my eyes out, I get up and walk through the long white hallway. I thought to myself. Jake wouldn't want me to be like this, he's tried so hard to make me happy...Maybe a shower will perk me up. As the hot water pours down on me I finally have a sense of comfort. Getting out the steam filled bathroom looked ominous, my sense of comfort was short lived. I put a towel around myself and darted to my room down the hall. I don't know why it just felt like I was being watched. I slammed my door shut, gathering my thoughts trying to calm myself down. There's no one here, there's no one here. I breathe in deeply letting out a sigh. I finish drying off to get my blue and white polka dot shorts on and a white tank top for my pjs of the night. Today went by fast... my thoughts were interrupted by that familiar smell..What was it? I wondered. It was alluring, calming almost. It smelt like a cologne, it's the same scent from the other day in the closet. The strong oder lulled me to sleep as I laid on my bed. But what felt like within seconds I woke up on my bed, hearing a soft sound of what sounded like a boy sobbing. Curiously I followed the sound to my closet. I open it slowly as the dim light from it slowly poured out. I walk in, it seems normal. But once I look down I see him! Alex! He's sitting on the floor in the corner of my closet. I let out a startled squeak, but he didn't seem to notice. His knees were up to his chest and his head was buried in his arms. I crouch down to him and ever so slightly I reach out putting my hand on his shoulder. The sobs go silent..."Are you...okay?" I ask hesitantly. He jolts his head up at me; his eyes redden by crying stare at me in disbelief. "You can see me?" He managed to push out. "Yes..I don't know how this is happening but you're here! You're actually here!" I say in confusion and amazement.
"I waited all my life to meet you, but..I..I-I'm dead? is this happening? I've been trapped here for so long, I've tried, and tried t-to reach you but I couldn't get through to you." He says choking on each word.  "You. You are the girl from my dreams." He says inching closer to me, his icy eyes staring into my dark orbs. I flinch as he puts his cold hand in my face, he stops, knowing that my step mom used to beat and slap me, it's a reflex of mine. Silence fell between us, we sat and marveled at each other's existence. And then...*BEEP BEEP BEEP* I sat straight up and slammed my phone off. Shit. Was that all just a dream?

Also I ship these two so hard ;w;

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