Where Do You Fit

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It was a key. But not just a normal house key or car key...it was a silver color, carvings Into the metal of a heart almost with a rose petal design in the heart wrapped in decorative chain. I thought it was beautiful. But the real question is, what does it even go to?
I put it on a chain and wear it as a necklace, then setting out through the house to find anything with a lock to fit this little key. I go through shelves, boxes, even picture frames, but no luck. I return to my room and belly flop onto my bed in defeat. A few minutes later Jake returned with some of his trophies he has won throughout the years. All for either track or football. He's always been proud to have those. "So what have you been up to while I was gone?" He asks me as I get up from my bed. "Sleeping mainly, found a hoodie to wear, it got rather cold." I say in a sleepy tone.
As it's getting close to nighttime in our new house me and Jake decided to heat up a pizza and go to bed.
We talk about our new school schedules and our classes, getting ready for the new life we start in a few weeks. "I'm heading to bed sis, don't stay up too late" Jake says yawning as he does. "Alright bro, I'll try. Goodnight" I say reassuringly with a slight smile. A few minutes later I decided to go ahead and clean up the kitchen before bed, I stand there washing up the dishes in silence, only the water's drip to keep me company. That's when I felt it...the feeling no one likes to have. The feeling of being watched...I hate it.
Soon enough I was done with all the dishes before a chill ran up my spine, like a cold wind had randomly been blown. I turn to see if anything was there, but there was nothing to be seen. I turn back to the sink which was steaming up the wall in front of me and looked up at the mirror and the thing i saw made it all worse...in the steam on the mirror was written "HELP ME" I've never ran so fast in my life til I saw that.
I ran to my room, locked the door still hearing the water running in the kitchen. But as I look around my room everything was not all in it's place...the crate has been moved to the center of my bed. I had put it under my bed earlier in respects as it said do not open. I went to it to investigate this small box more and find it has a lock on the bottom side...I reach up and still feel that the key is around my neck and then taking it off slowly, as I do I gear the water stop...seems like the clock on the wall had stopped ticking also. Everything that has happened was leading me to this crate. Someone or something wanted me to help it, and this crate was my answer...I put the little key in its matching lock and turn it to see....

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