Chapter 1: First Date

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I looked in the mirror one last time. My long brown hair hung loosely past my shoulders, making chocolate waves down my back. My eyes were looking back at me with worry. The light blue seemed to darken the more I thought about what was to come. I shook my head. What the hell was I getting myself into. This wasn't me. I am quiet, kind, dependable Quinn, I said to myself. No boys go for you. You are too shy for that.

"How do I look?" I asked my best friend, Maccy who was sitting comfortably on her bed.

"You look fine for the millionth time." Maccy giggled softly. She was so carefree, sometimes I was jealous of her ability to have no shame.

"I can't believe I agreed to let you set me up with your boyfriend's friend. Do you think it will be weird?" I didn't do to well on first dates, plus it had been a while since I had been on one.

"Nah, I think he's pretty cool. We've met a couple times." she reassured me. "On the plus side he's super hot, so even if he turns out to be a jerk, he'll be nice to look at."

I fake laughed, trying my best to make it sound real. I felt uneasy about this. Guys weren't really my thing, and setting me up on a blind date screamed for a ruined relationship. I was always really awkward around boys. I never knew what to say, and when I did speak, it always came out wrong. "What if I screw up like I always do?" Maccy gave me a look. I shrugged, it would most likely happen.

"Hopefully, he will still like you. You need a guy who thinks your shyness is cute. Hopefully he will get you to open up." she replied optimistically. "But if he doesn't like you, there is no harm done. You don't need to get all of your emotions into it just quite yet. Wait and see" She was really smart when it came to boys. She had a lot of experiance. She had been around the block a couple times.

Maccy's phone buzzed loudly. "Tyler is here!" she chirped, "Let's go."

* * * * * *

The restaurant wasn't anything fancy, just the local burger joint. There weren't many people there either, just an elderly couple and a boy about my age in the corner. Before we got there, Maccy introduced me to the very good looking Derek. He had big muscular arms, and a sweet face. He was tan, and his black hair was godlike. Maccy and I sat across from Derek and Maccy's boyfriend Tyler. At first, there was alot of awkward silence between Derek and I, but when he did talk it made me want to tell him all my secrets. He was the most perfect guy that had ever walked the earth. I was pulled back into reality when I accidentally dumped my drink on the floor.

I reached down for it, and when pulled myself back up I smacked my head on the table. I stuck my hands out to brace my fall, but instead they landed in the pop and slid out infront of me. I was sprawled in pop. My shirt was soaked through, and I could feel the tears swell up in my eyes. Everyone was laughing at me.

I wanted to die, right there. I didn't want to get up and face my friends, but something inside me told me I had to. After a few seconds of internal battle, I got up, my shirt was dripping pop everywhere. I grabbed my purse, and casually walked to the bathroom like nothing happened.

Maccy didn't follow me. I felt hurt. I took of my soaking shirt and wrang it out in the sink. Luckily, there was a blowing hand dryer. I stuck it under there and hoped for the best. I heard a knock on the door. I thought it would be Maccy coming to try to apologize for laughing, so I didn't say a word.

When the door opened, it wasn't Maccy. It was Derek. "Ahh!" I exclaimed. Quickly I tried to find something to cover myself. I couldn't find anything, so I stood there in my lacey bra, it was quite embarassing. Blush covered my cheeks.

"Here." he said with his angelic voice. He handed me his nice jacket, his eyes never wandered down. I quickly put it on. "I'm sorry about Tyler and Maccy, they are jerks. Do you need any help, Quinn?"

Wait, He was asking me if I needed any help?!?! Most guys would have laughed their heads off. Plus he said my name! It sounded like a beautiful song coming out of his mouth. I was about to die. I was intoxicated by his presence. I felt complete. "Umm. Well now that I'm wearing your jacket I don't need to dry my shirt, but my head hurts."

"Do you want me to take you home?" He just offered to take me home? Did I do something right for the first time? I thought I had epically ruined any hopes of this relationship.

"Yes please." I said trying not to sound over excited, but my heart was pounding loudly. My head started to throb. I put my hand on the spot, but it only made it worse.

"Let me look at that." He came over to me, and put one hand on my shoulder, and the other one on my head. He found the big bump on the back of my head. "Wow, you smacked it hard. It's already purple. Let's get you home." Great, my head was purple. That's sexy. 

"Ok" I agreed. He walked me out of the bathroom and out of the door. Maccy gave me a big smile and Tyler gave me a thumbs up. I gave a small smile back. His car was nice. It had the cool voice comands and rear camera. "I don't live far from here. Turn left at the light and go down that road."

He smiled and followed my directions flawlessly. "Which house?"

"The yellow one on the right." It was dark out, but he pulled into the right driveway. My parents weren't home, so I would have to tell them in the morning what had happened. Derek led me into my house and set me on the couch. I felt like I was being babied, but I didn't really care. He went into my kitchen and brought me a glass of water and a bottle of Tylenol. I took two,  and he put them back into the kitchen.

I walked down the hall to my room. I snuggled into my bed, and Derek came in. He tucked me in, and smiled at me. He leaned down and kissed me on my forehead. My heart fluttered and I blushed. "I had a great time. Maybe we should go to the movies or something."

"I would really like that" I said. My insides where screaming. He was interested. This was to good to be true.

"How about this Friday?" He asked. What? He was actually serious about taking me out again.

"That sounds great. I'll see you later." I said. Oh my gosh. 

"Get some sleep, see ya" He was so beautiful, and I noticed he had a very nice ass as he walked out of my room.

 ---author note---

I edited this chapter. It sounds a lot better, and there are less mistakes. YAY!! :)


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