Chapter 16: It Doesn't Get Any Easier

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A thousand possibilities ran through my head, but I could only think of one.

Last year an outbreak of chlamydia struck our school. Maccy got it, surprise surprise. Being a virgin, I was just a spectator of the epidemic. Was I now a victim?

"a small tumor on your labium. I want to do a couple tests to rule out cancer, but it is small. The removal process is simple if it's benign." she said.

A tumor, not an STD. That's good, right? I didn't really know what to say. I was shocked, yet relieved. But a tumor. Tumors mean cancer. Cancer.. If i did have cancer what would happen? How was I suppose have a baby if I have to go through treatment? I would loose the baby. Would that be murder?

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a cough. I looked up and saw the two doctors staring at me. I blushed at the awkwardness. "Can I go now?" I asked.

"Yes, but I want to set up another appointment soon." Mary said. They excited the room, and I got changed. We set up an appointment for next week. They were going to have to inform my parents of my tumor. They said they would call as soon as they received the pregnancy test results.

When I got home nobody was there. I grabbed my laptop, and sat down on the couch. I typed in "Tumors of the labium." My mind was blown as pictures of large swollen vaginas flooded the screen. I instantly shut the screen. That was a bad idea. I gave myself a mental face palm, and made a mental note to never do that again. I decided I didn't want to talk to my parents tonight, so I made myself a small dinner, knowing it would come back up in the morning. My bed looked very inviting. I plopped myself down, and wrapped myself in the blankets. I looked at the clock. It was only 6:30.

Frustrated, I went down stairs and fetched my laptop. I opened it and quickly exited out of the open web page. I pulled up a new one and typed in pregnancy. I wanted to know the specific details about what I would be going through. I clicked on a link to a medical journal website. An article popped up about pregnancy in teenagers. It mostly talked about the mental aspect of pregnancy. How the baby will effect your parents, how most girls feel about themselves, and how the child feels later in life.

A soft vibration on my leg tore my concentration. I reached into my pocket and grabbed my phone. 1 new message from Christian. I opened the message.

Hey Quinn. :) How did your appointment go with the pediatrician? -C

Oh God.. I didn't know wether I should tell him or not. It's just a tumor right.. And a small one at that. No need to freak out and tell everyone. Lying isn't the same thing as not telling someone. Plus Christian is a stranger to me. I barely know him.

Hey. The appointment went fine. They didn't tell me anything I didn't already know. I did have them do a pregnancy test, just to make sure. I didn't freak out as much as I thought. :P -Q

Ok, so maybe I was lying a bit. It's not like he would fine out. It's just a tumor. Not cancer. Just a tumor.

My phone vibrated again.

That's good that everything's ok. Are you excited to see me every day? -C

Oh Christian.. I felt kind of bad for lying. It was for the better though.

Oh yes, so very excited. I do have some questions though. Are the people at your school rich, and snooty? -Q

Some of them are snobs, but you have to get in with the right people. If you hang out with me you'll avoid all the biotches. -C

Sounds good. :) Another question, do you think people will talk once it's more... Noticeable that I'm pregnant? -Q

Anywhere you go you're going to have that group of people that gossip. It's just whether or not you choose to let them manipulate you. Your happiness should not depend on someone else. -C

He was right. I wouldn't matter if I went across the world, people would still talk and assume. I heard my mom pull into the driveway. I put my laptop away. I set my phone down on my bedside table, and quickly jumped up to turn off my light. I snuggled into my covers and pretended to be asleep. I heard my dad pull into the driveway.

It was only a few minutes of soft silence, before the yelling started. I had never heard my parents argue like this before. I had always considered myself lucky because I could see that my parents were really in love.

It only lasted about ten minutes before I heard my mom trudge up the stairs yelling "You're teenage daughter is the one carrying the rape baby, not you. You tell her to slaughter a defenseless baby she had no control of getting, William."

I then heard the door slam. I flinched and closed my eyes. I couldn't let myself think. I just laid there frozen. I felt empty, and alone. Eventually, I drifted into a fitful sleep.

* * * * * *

I had cleaned out my locker, and got all of my teachers to sign my release papers. I grabbed my remaining stuff, just a few regular school supplies, and shoved them into my backpack. I headed out towards my car.

The parking lot had a few people scattered here and there. I went to my truck, and fished for the keys in my purse. I grabbed them and unlocked my trunk and threw my backpack inside. I shut the trunk before being abruptly pushed into it by an unknown person. I turned around to yell at them when I was met with the familiar eyes of Derek. He looked awful. His eyes had deep black bags and were bloodshot from what I assumed was drugs. His breathe reeked of alcohol, and he smelled as if he hadn't showered in weeks.

"Heeyyy." He slurred as he pushed me back into the car. "Wh.. Why didn't yyoouu calllll me backkk? I.. I wasssss waiting patienttlyy, but you're ssssuchhh a bitchhh you didn't evennn bothhher to replyyy."

He had me pinned against the car. His pungent breath was hot on my neck. He was making me nervous. I wanted to shout and start making a scene, but I knew it wouldn't do any good.

When I stayed silent, Derek got mad. He grabbed my wrists and started squeezing them. I let out a little yelp in pain. "Why didn't you answer my calls, Quinn?" He said letting the anger make him sober for a moment. "I want you back. I want our baby." He let go of one of my hands and reached for my stomach. I slapped his hands away from it. He didn't like that. He brought his hand back to strike me, I readied myself for the blow that I had anticipated. Derek's hands were instantly off me.

I opened my eyes, and saw Tyler restraining Derek. "What the hell are you thinking, man! Why are you even here?!? Are you fucking stupid?!?" Tyler yelled. He looked at me with deep sorrow and regret in his eyes. "Go get in my truck, Derek."

He let go of Derek, and we watched him walk in his drunken state and climb into the truck that was parked next to my car. Tyler picked up my keys that I had apparently dropped during the commotion. He gently handed them to me and carefully grabbed my shaking hand. He opened my car door, and helped me inside. I buckled up subconsciously, and watched him as he shut the door. He gave me a nod that everything was going to be ok. He joined Derek in his truck. I watched him blow up on Derek.

I just sat there in my car. I couldn't move. I couldn't think. My mind was blank. I started my car. I slowly pulled out of the parking lot. I just focused on the road. I pulled into the Cedar Creek parking lot.

My original plan before was to set up my locker with my stuff, but now I only had one thing in mind. My body moved without my mind knowing. I was still blank, still in shock. I moved throughout the halls, searching, looking. I got strange looks from the uniformed people crowding the halls.

I spotted him. He was down the hall talking with Brian, his friend from the coffee shop. The next thing I new, I was shouting his name and running towards him. His head turned at my yelling.

When I reached him, he pulled me into his arms. He stepped back from the hug and held me by my shoulders. "Quinn, what happened?" he asked brushing a stray tear from my face. I shook my head. I didn't want to talk here.

He understood my nod, and we headed out the school building.

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