Chapter 3

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Tikki groaned as she sat up from the windowsill. She rubbed her eyes before checking inside the window to see a vacant classroom. Quickly, she turned to Plagg to wake him up. Ignoring the fact that they had both fallen asleep with her head against him til lunch arrived.

"Plagg! Plagg wake up!" She shouted urgently as she shook him away.

He jumped up into the air, hovering above her, and looked at her with worry. "What?! Who?!"

"We slept until lunch! Let's go find Mari and Adrien if you still want your stinky snack!"

"Come on, I'm hungry."

They both flew cautiously and searched around campus. Soon enough, they spotted Marinette and Adrien sitting besides each other by the stairs. They were hidden within the shadows to prevent anyone noticing them. The kwamis rushed over, surprisingly the two with goofy grins.

"Tikki?! Plagg?!"

"We're hungry." explained Tikki as she held back from teasing the loving couple.

Marinette smiled and took out a croissant from a paper bag; she broke it in half and handed it to her. "Here, have a croissant. I forgot to bring some cookies today, sorry."

"It's ok." Tikki pecked her. "I love your family's pastries!"

Plagg watched before resuming his full attention back on retaining his camembert from Adrien which soon revealed itself in a round silver container. "Finally!" He opened it and began cheerfully eating away his beloved.

The blonde let out a sigh as he rested his head on her shoulder. "No wonder you smell like cookies. Tikki loves them."

She chuckled, leaning her head on his. "And you stink slightly of camembert because of Plagg. He's adorable."

"Tikki's cute too."

Plagg's ears twitched at the comment. He stared at Adrien with the same unknown expression from before.

"What?" Adrien noticed a bit of anger rising in his eyes and smirked as he carefully petted Tikki. "You're quite cute, but my princess here will always be the cutest."

She grinned and poked his cheek. "Thank you!"

He looked at Plagg who turned away. He was probably jealous at the small compliment Adrien gave to Tikki. A small smile slowly crept up his face as Marinette brushed her hand through his hair. The pair conversed quietly enough amongst themselves.

"He was jealous."

"Do you think he likes her?"

"I don't know. What about Tikki?"

"I can try asking her about it tonight."

"Then I'll do the same." Adrien nuzzled against her touch as he ate the other half of the croissant.

'So adorable.' Marinette mumbled.

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