Chapter 4

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"Tikki!" Marinette walked up the stairway and through the trapdoor to her bedroom; she was drying her hair with a pink towel before stopping midway to scan the room. "Tikki?"

She noticed the open balcony door and headed over with the towel hung around her neck. There sat Tikki on the rails as she gazed up at the starlit sky. Her eyes glistened as if she was going to cry.

Worried, Marinette rubbed her head softly. "Is there something wrong?"

She slowly shook her head. "N-No..."

"You know you can always tell me anything." She scooped the smaller up onto her shoulder and walked inside to relax on the bed in warmth to rid of the cold.

"I know... It's just—" Tikki lowered herself off and flopped onto a large, fluffy pillow.

"Go on, it's alright."

"Ah... How do I say this? It-It's about Plagg and her..."


"It's just someone from the past, that's all."

"Oh... Can I ask you something?"

"Hm? What is it?"

"Do you like Plagg?"

"W-What did you say?"

"I asked if you liked Plagg."

"Like, as in a friendly way?"

"You know that I meant it romantically."

"Oh—well I—no..."

She turned away to sigh. Marinette sighed and reached out to caress the small kwami. It was the only form of comfort she could give at the moment.

"You can tell me the truth, it's fine."

Tikki stared at her with eyes shining; she was holding back her tears and hugged Marinette in an effort to calm down. She took some deep breaths. Mentioning this was going to be hard, but she knew she could trust Marinette and knew she had to eventually tell someone.

Long ago, Plagg and Tikki were the only kwamis who were awake with the Master and turtle kwami. That was, until one day a small butterfly kwami arised. Her name was Nooroo. She's the kwami who's currently in the hands of and working with their enemy: Hawkmoth. She was kidnapped by a corrupted group of people who yearned for power. From then on, she was handed around to different groups and they all lost contact. But, before that incident, she had a close and loving relationship with Plagg.

"At one point, I was going to go greet them until..."

Marinette felt the hesitation. "Until?"

"Nooroo was taken right before our eyes."

She remembered that day as if it were just yesterday. Nooroo was captured in a net and tried to struggle free, but the person tossed her into a bag. They kept it shut tightly as they laughed. She told Plagg and Tikki to run away while they could to avoid being caught and they did just that. From then on, they were separated. Tikki knew Nooroo loved Plagg and Tikki also knew that Plagg liked her; it was mutual. It was noticeable.

They seemed so happy together whenever the former red kwami wasn't around. She knew. She was always watching them. At one point, Tikki gave up. Her bright personality bittered. She became mean and strict, her own heart souring. Eventually, due to that change, it nearly killed one of the past Ladybug's. At the same time, she couldn't even save the one person that meant everything to the one she loved. She came to a conclusion that she couldn't protect nor love anyone.

"It was my fault it happened. It's all my fault..." Tikki folded into a ball and silently cried.

Marinette continued to caress her. "It wasn't your fault Tikki. It wasn't anyone's fault. You were just—you were just not in the right mind that's all."

"I know. I know that, but still—" She sobbed harder. "I can't love Plagg anymore than this... I don't deserve him."

She teared up at the sight of the crying kwami and brought her into a hug. "I'm here with you Tikki. You're not alone."


Chatnoir swung from a building and landed onto Marinette's balcony. He was already detransforming when he raised a hand to knock on the glass door. A small sob was heard and his senses peaked. He glanced at Plagg in worry as they noticed who the crying was from. Tikki was hurled up on a pillow with Marinette comforting her.

Plagg placed his hands quietly on the window to listen to the story told by Tikki. He was as shocked as Adrien was. He gestured to see if he should knock and Plagg shook his head. However, his attention soon returned to the pair's conversation when he heard something he never expected.

"I can't love Plagg anymore than this... I don't deserve him."

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