Chapter 8

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Tikki woke up the following morning in a dark place. Slightly confused, due to her still being a bit drowsy, she slowly realized that she was sleeping inside Marinette's bag. There was school today and she must've overslept.

She slipped herself out of the bad and carefully opened the locker to leave. Tikki gazed around until her eyes spotted Plagg swarming past her. She followed him quietly to see him settle alone by a window.

With a warm smile, she waved. "Hey Plagg!"

His ears perked up and a charming smile plastered across his face. "Hey Tikki!"

Tikki sat next to him, closer than the last time. "What are you doing here?"

"Just looking at the sky."

"Now, that doesn't sound like the Plagg at all."

"I don't know. Maybe it's because I realized I actually love someone."

This statement caught her attention; Tikki turned to see Plagg shyly blushing and she held up a fake smile. "L-Love? You love someone?"

He nodded. "I found out how I really felt last night about them."

"Oh. I see. Um, I think i'll see you later." She flew away from Plagg.

As she flew away, Plagg shouted for her. She didn't stop. She continued to run away until she exhausted herself at a tree in Paris's public park. Tikki decided to stop there to hid herself behind a dozen of leaves and cry alone.

She never thought the day that Plagg would tell her he was interested in someone would come. She likes him. No, she loves him. She loves that idiotic cheesehead. Yet, the only person who comes to mind is Nooroo. He loves Nooroo and probably wants to attempt saving her again.

"Haha, I see..."

As dawn broke out, Tikki headed home. She was still all blues and gloomy. Her face was tear stained and her eyes were slightly pink. Marinette rushed out onto the balcony once her eyes caught sight of the noticeable red kwami. She took her indoors and fed her a small cup of milk and plate of cookies while wrapping her up with a fitting custom closet.

"What happened Tikki?"

"Plagg." Her voice was hoarse; it sounded like she had cried to herself for a long time.

"What about Plagg?"

Tikki drank her milk and nibbled a few bites of her cookie, frowning. "He told me that he loves someone."

"And you're jealous? Depressed?" Marinette had a small piece of hope hidden inside of her words.

"Mhm, it's most likely Nooroo. I bet you he wants to save her again..."

"What if it wasn't Nooro?"

"Then I guess the same cycle from early will repeat again."

"Oh Tikki..." Tapping her forehead, Marinette smiled softly. "He won't know how you feel if you don't tell him first, you know?"

"I know but—"

"It's not too late." She winked with thumbs up.

Her expression brightened up. "Thanks Mari!"

The bluenette watched her zoom out of the bedroom towards the direction of Adrien's. She decided to give him a call about the current situation and Adrien had come to a conclusion. He would give the two their moment by fake sleeping through it all.

Soon enough, Tikki arrived at the bedroom window of Adrien's. The inside was dark, but she saw a floating figure open it up. It was Plagg. Immediately, she hugged him tightly. They tumbled back onto the floor of the bedroom and rolled into the corner of the sofa. They stared at each other dumbfounded while processing the situation until they let out a harmonious laughter.

"You looked so stupid just now T!" Plagg wiped away the falling cheerful tears.

She grinned. "Right back at you G!"

Plagg smiled at the sudden mention of his nickname that hasn't been heard in decades. "What brings you here so late? Adrien's already asleep and—"

"I love you."

He looked at her as if he heard wrong. "W-What?"

Tikki breathed in and out slowly. "I said I love you, you stupid cheesehead!"

His face reddened and he hid himself behind his hands. "Why now—"

"I-I know you probably love Nooro and all, but that's all I wanted to say! Bye—" She started to take her leave until Plagg grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back into a small kiss.

"I love you too, you strawberry bastard." He whispered.

She shone bright red at the sudden confession and kissed him back before heading home. He let out a relieved sigh. They felt the same; it was mutual.


Plagg and Tikki came to school with Adrien and Marinette. Clearly, both of them had their heads high up in the clouds until they grouped up like the usual. The couple knew something had happened last night and have been waiting to hear what it was.

"So, what's going on here?" Marinette giggled with a smirking Adrien.

"Why are two of our kwamis acting so strange? They're even blushing!"

"Confessed..." Tikki answered quietly, yet loud enough for the others.

"Mutual." Plagg faced away to hide his embarrassment.

"Oh?" Adrien and Marinette glanced at each other and kissed on the lips before returning their attention to the two. "You're like this now?"

They shook their heads as they turned red. Heat was steaming from their reaction. They were trying to reply, but they were so embarrassed that their voices weren't coming out. Adrien and Marinette laughed and decided to leave the two alone.

Plagg and Tikki watched from behind. He rubbed the back of his head, still looking away, and took her hand. She didn't jerk away, but accepted it by gripping a bit tighter. They avoided eye contact, but wide smiles spread on their faces.

"Please take care of me."

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