Chapter 16

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Jackie's neighborhood looked even more sinister at night. I couldn't avoid the potholes that covered almost every inch of her street and felt like I had to apologize to my car once I got out. Each boarded up house we passed had a group of people outside, standing next to a rusted car. Most of them were huddled together smoking, and broke up their conversation as soon as they saw my headlights. Their gazes never left my car and I made sure to keep an eye on them in my rearview mirror. They'd probably never seen a Bentley in person before and I was sure they were watching to see where it was heading.

I pulled up to Jackie's townhouse, parking in front. There wasn't even a light on. Nothing to show that anyone lived there. "I'll just be a few minutes, I promise." She unbuckled her seatbelt. "Unless Haley took a sleeping pill, then it may be a little while longer."

"Take as long as you need, I'll be here."

She leaned over the seat and placed a quick kiss on my lips. "I won't make you wait too long. We need to finish what we started at the shop."

"Sounds good to me." I kissed her again.

She licked her lips. "But if you keep that up, I'm never going to want to leave this car."

"As much as I'd love to never have you leave, I'd rather have you at my place than here," I said into her lips.

"I'll be back as soon as I can." She kissed me again and then scooted back across the seat, opening the door, and sliding out.

I watched her run across the cracked sidewalk to the front door. I hated to see her live in such filth. She was taking the bus every day to work and it killed me. I wanted to buy her another bike or a car or something, but she refused to let me. She said El Lobo and his guys would just do something to it. She was probably right and that pissed me off even more.

I kept a lookout, watching her open the flimsy storm door and getting into the piece of shit place she called home, turning on the light. I needed to get her the hell out of there. I knew I had something with her, hell I wouldn't just introduce anyone to my family. But bringing up things like moving in together and beyond weren't things people talked about when they just started dating. I may not have been with her long, but when you go through things like death with a person, it makes you feel like you've been with them forever. That shit ages you real fast. And when someone can stand by your side and not run away after they've watched you crumble, that person deserves to stay in your life forever.

"Hey, Ragusa!" a voice came from in the distance.

I froze. It was never a good sign when someone yelled my last name, especially not in a neighborhood like Jackie's. The person shouted again. It was definitely male and deep, coming from the direction of my window. Slowly, I reached for my glove compartment, keeping my hand below the windowsill. I slipped my fingers along the edge until I felt the cool handle of my 9mm and carefully pulled it out.

"I called your name, Mother Fucker." The voice was louder this time. Almost right by my ear.

Then I saw a dark figure standing on the sidewalk across the street, a large rifle in his hand. The crack of the first shot hit my tire before I could lift my arm to fire back. I ducked as he fired again, shot after shot. The shattering glass and screech of metal on metal rang through my ears. I covered my head, willing the sounds to go away as the glass rained down on my back, like tiny needles. Dad had suggested I look into an armored car. I said I didn't need it. He was right. Yet again. My mind flashed back to visions of Phil standing in front of the restaurant. His blood on my hands.

I heard loud screams blending in with the gunshots. Then there was nothing but silence, a loud thud, and more silence. I was afraid to move. I didn't even know if I could move.

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