Chapter 18

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My alarm clock went off bright and early as usual. I reached over to my nightstand but Jackie's hand was there first, turning off the alarm. I kissed up the length of her arm and she giggled.

"You have stubble," she whined.

I pulled her over until she was on top of me, her chest to mine. "That's not the only thing I have this morning." I bucked my hips to meet hers.

She licked her lips. "I guess you slept pretty well then."

I wished I could have said that it was amazing to sleep all night with her in my arms and know that she was safe, but it wasn't true. The nightmares didn't fade. They just grew darker. And the only way to stop them was to deal with El Lobo.

"I slept okay. But now I'm awake." I grabbed her ass, feeling the lacy material of her panties slide between my fingers. "Very awake."

"Mmmm, I've noticed." She put her lips to mine grinding against my hips and my morning wood turned into an all-out boner, aching to be inside of her.

I kissed her, sliding my hands underneath her shirt, running my fingers down the length of her backbone and feeling the goosebumps that pricked from my touch. She pushed harder against my dick, I could practically feel her wetness through my boxers, and I thought I'd burst through them to get to her. Damn the girl could turn me on.

My phone vibrated on my nightstand, knocking me out of my trance. Jackie pulled her lips from mine, staring at the phone. Her eyes flitted back to me. "It's your dad." She blinked. "Are you going to answer it?"

I groaned, grabbing my phone. "As much as I'd rather continue what we were doing..."

"Yeah. I understand. Family business and all that." She crawled off of me and the bed. "I'll go take a shower and give you your privacy."

"Okay." I nodded and answered the call. "Hey, Dad."

Jackie took one look back at me before she went into the bathroom and shut the door behind her. I hated to make her feel like I shut her out, that I didn't want her involved in my business, but I hadn't talked to Dad since everything went down at Jackie's place.

"Nicky, you're up bright and early." Dad certainly didn't sound like he just woke up at all even though it was the ass crack of dawn.

"Always am."

"I'm glad to hear you weren't seriously injured last night."

I nodded, even though I knew he couldn't see me, wanting him to just cut to the chase. "Yeah. I'm fine. Just a few cuts from the glass. My car didn't do so well. I'll see what the dealership has to say."

"Bruises heal and scars remind us of the battles we've fought. That's what your nanu always used to say." Says the guy who gave me most of my scars.

"It's true." I stood up, pushing the covers off of me and adjusting my boxers.

His voice went from casual to all business in a matter of seconds. "I know Dominic brought you and Jackie back to your place last night, so I figure things are getting pretty serious between you two."

I knew Dominic couldn't keep his mouth shut. "Yeah. They are. You know I care about her."

"Good. I'm glad to see that you're settling down and if she is going to be around awhile, your mother also wants to meet her. We would like you to bring her over for dinner tonight. Angeline, Brian, and Gabby are coming as well. It will give you time to apprise me of the situation of your attackers."

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