Running Away

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Noah's POV
I woke up and I almost forgot where I was and what happened yesterday until I looked at the bed where Kasey was still sleeping
JACOB- I have been waiting for one of you to wake up for hours.
NOAH- What time is it?
JACOB- Its 12:30!

I got up and dragged my feet along the floor. I walked into the bathroom where I put my shirt and jeans on. I changed and combed my hair.

NOAH- I'm going for a 'run'.
JACOB- Go be a wolf! This will be the past time for awhile. And wake up Kasey and see if she wants to come!

I walked over to Kasey and tried to wake her up.
NOAH- Want to come to the woods with me one last time?

She got up and raced into the bathroom.
She came out in a tank top and jean shorts.

We got to the woods and chased each other around until we heard a nosie come from behind a tree. Jacob came out.
JACOB- Let's go!
KASEY- Are we driving are we running? We will get there faster if we run.
JACOB- Hayes is driving down there and we are running.
KASEY- Hayes is coming!?
JACOB- Oh yeah he is not the pack leader anymore. And the pack leader is not very happy with you!
KASEY- What did I do?
JACOB- He said that you hurt him in the past....
KASEY- What is his name?
JACOB- Cody.
KASEY- We need to leave now!

We started running to the new place we were staying. We ran across the road and there was a city down this hill. We all put our hoods on and started running down. This is not where we are staying it is where we are meeting some people.

We get to the big building and I lead the way in. There she is.
NOAH- Hello Keya!
KASEY- Wait Keya?
NOAH- We have her and we are fleeing.
KEYA- Aha finally! You are all welcome to join the pack if you ever need to.

Keya walked over to us and handed us a bracelet that said.

That was the name of her pack.

KASEY- Thank you Keya!
KEYA- Your welcome but you need to leave they are searching for you guys and they are not far behind I can smell them. Go out the back! Hurry!

We all start running to the back and I hear the front door open and yelling.
NOAH- GO THEY KNOW WE WERE HERE! Oh and put some of this on!

I threw Jacob some of a spray my grandma gave me. And Kasey she had some perfume. We ran and ran until we saw Hayes. We all jump on the roof of the car and he opens the sun roof. I help Jacob in then we both help Kasey in then I get in.

We get to where we were now living. It was a cabin in the woods of France.
KASEY- Guys what if he finds us?
JACOB- You and Noah will run and I will fight him off then I will catch up some how.
KASEY- I have a better plan but Noah will not like this. I am not taking no for and answer. I will stay and talk to him while you guys run. I am good at controlling the wolf part of me so I won't get as hurt as I would as a human.
NOAH- I will not let you do that!
KASEY- I told you I will not take no for an answer!
JACOB- Its late! Let's get some rest Kasey your room is upstairs on the left.Hayes your room is across the hall from hers. Noah your room is down here on the left and mine is on the right.
I walked to my room along everyone else who went to there rooms.
I laid down and fell fast asleep.

Hey, so that is that and I hope you guys like this book as much as you hopefully liked Just Another Day.
Love- Z.graham

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