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Kasey's POV
I woke up and walked down stairs. Noah was sitting at the table with his head in his hands. I walked up to him and put my hands on his shoulders. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes.
KASEY- What's wrong?
NOAH- I have to go!

With that he grabbed his jacket and ran out the door. I grabbed my jacket and ran after him. As soon as the cold air hit my face I stopped then smelled the air. His sent went to the left so I followed his sent.

I kept running until I got back to the cabin. I ran in and threw my jacket on the floor and ran upstairs. I went in my room and slammed the door. Someone knocked on the door so I ignored the person. I went in my bathroom and changed then I went downstairs and grabbed my jacket.
KASEY- Stupid wind!
HAYES- Kasey?
HAYES- What's wrong?
KASEY- The wind got rid of your brothers sent so I have to go find him without a clue where he is!
HAYES-I can help.

I ran out the door and quickly making my way to France. A sent hit my nose so I followed it. It smelled of Noah. I ran faster. I was so mad I was fighting my wolf back. I ran into a small town of France. I sniffed the air and tried to see if I could smell him. I found the sent and quickly ran in the direction of his sent. I didn't care if I was using inhuman speed.

I followed the smell to an ally way. There lay Noah's jacket.
NOAH- Kasey? HE.......

There was nothing but silence. I sniffed the air and I smelt something familiar.

I didn't listen I just stood there while I felt someone in the shadows watching me.
KASEY- Show you're self!

A tall teenager walked out from the shadows holding Noah with one hand.
PERSON- I thought you would be prettier.
KASEY- Cody shut up and give me Noah.
CODY- No can do. You ran away from your problems I want you to see how I felt.

He put a hand on top of Noah's head and a hand on his chin. He quickly snapped Noah's neck. I ran over to Noah. Tears were pouring down my face and I looked down at a dead Noah. Jacob and Hayes quickly ran up to me. I looked up at Hayes as he looked down at Noah. A tear slipped his eye. I jumped up and ran at Cody I caught him by suprize but I was fast and I snapped his neck. As he was dying I said
KASEY- You deserved this and me leaving. I ran.

I got to the building where Noah brought us to see Keya. I showed the guard the bracelet and he lead me to Keya.

I saw Keya and she looked up at me. Tears are pouring down my face as I run up to her. She hugs me tightly as I cry on her shoulder. She looked at me and asked
KEYA- What happened Kasey?
KASEY- N-Noahs dead.....
KEYA- Oh my.....Come with me.
KASEY- I killed him.....
KEYA- You killed Noah?
KASEY- Cody.....

She hugged me and 2 people ran up to us. I hugged Hayes and said
KASEY- Can we go home?
HAYES- Yes we can!

We got in the car and drove to California.

We got home and I ran in my house and fell on the floor. Drew and mom came racing down the stairs.
DREW- Kasey? Are you okay?

I shook my head.
KASEY- He's gone....Noah is gone!
Drew picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he hugged me.
MOM- Honey I'm so sorry.

Drew sat me on my bed and sat next to me. I leaned into his side and cried.

I couldn't fall asleep. So when Drew left I climbed out my window and jumped over to Noah's window. It was unlocked so I went in. It was not what I thought. It was painted black. And there was the same picture only one was huge and it was just of me and the other ones were smaller and of everyone else. There was not one picture of all of us together. I sat on his bed and continued to text his phone. The weird thing was when I texted him I got a response. I heard a nosies that sounded like the door opening. I thought it was Hayes so I continued to text Noah. I heard a ding right out the door. The door opened and.......

Who do you think it is? ILYA(A-All)
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Love - Z.graham

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