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(If you are wondering what Kasey looks like now well that's her she is 19 now)
Kasey's POV
I woke up in what looked like an alley way. I stood up and walked down the narrow path. I was in between 2 houses. I looked at the one on my left it looked so familiar. I looked at the one on the right it looked familiar too.

When I got the courage to knock on the door on my left I walked up to the door and I knocked. A woman in about her 50s answered the door.
LADY- Hello miss! How may I help you?
KASEY- I was wondering where I am?
LADY- Um.... Are you okay?
KASEY- Um.... Not really because I was kidnapped when I was 14 and I don't really know where I am.
LADY- Can I ask your name?
KASEY- My name is Kasey!
LADY- Wow my daughter went missing when she was 14 and her name was Kasey! Oh I'm sorry would you like to come in?
KASEY- Sure! Thank you!

I walked in her house and I looked around.
Me and Noah sat down on the couch. I heard a nosie come from upstairs. Me and Noah slowly walk upstairs. Then black.
* End flashback*
KASEY- Um.... Does a boy named Noah Jones live next door?
LADY- Yes he was my daughters best friend.....Kasey?

I ran and hugged her. We both were in tears.
A boy and a girl came down stairs and looked at me. I could see tears form in there eyes and in mine.
DREW- Can I ask who you are?
KASEY- ..............
ERIKA- Mom who is this?
MOM- Guys this is Kasey your........
I ran out the door and straight down the street. I heard footsteps behind me so I ran faster. I got to the park. I looked around to see if I could find the spot. That is the only thing I can remember about my group of friends. I start running to the spot and when I see it I walk in.

I sat here for a couple of minutes. I got up and ran my fingers across the walls. One thing caught my eye. I walked to it and it was a portrait of me when I was 14. Tears fell down my face as I looked around it. It said stiff like We will find her. We will see you again. We love you.
GUY#1(Noah)- Beautiful right!
KASEY- Yeah I know who she is!
GUY#2(Hayes)- You do?
GIRL(Lili)- How do you know her?
GUY#3(Aaron)- Do we know you?
KASEY- Are you're names Noah, Hayes,Lili and Aaron?
GUYS- How do you know our names?
KASEY- Noah and Hayes are brothers. Lili is a friend of hers. And Aaron is her brother like figure.
AARON- Wait how do you know her.
KASEY- I'm not sure how you will handle this.....
DREW- Kasey we need to go home! Aaron,Noah,Hayes,Lil? What are you guys doing here?
I walked up to Drew and grabbed his arm and draged him home. I got home and he hugged me.

We talked for hours and then he lead me up to my old room. When I walked in my room the first thing I saw was a spray paint portrait of me. I layed down and fell asleep.

Hey so here is chapter 1 of book 2. I hope you like this. The next chapter will be better.
Love- z.graham

Forgotten And RememberedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant