Part 1: I love you

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//Laurence's pov//

The day had finally come, the day where i told Garroth how i really felt about him. You see, i have loved him for many many years now and i have always been too scared to tell him but now i will. I got ready to meet up with Garroth at his favorite cafe. I was very nervous, the thought of him saying no, made me territied. I didn't want that but i knew it might happend. I went though all of my clothes and tried to find the perfect outfit to wear. I finally found it and ran off to meet him. He was sitting where he normal sits. I sat down next to him. He smiled at me. ''Hey Laurence'' He said in that sexy voice of his. Irene, why do you have to be so hot Garroth? I smiled at him and said: ''H-H-Hey Garroth'' I blushed  little bit. He odered us some coffee. We talked for a while before we got our coffee and began to drink it. I looked at Garroth's lips, they look so nice and soft, i wish i could feel them on my own. I blushed a bit more. I looked at Garroth and said: ''G-Garroth, i have something to tell you........'' He looked at me and said: ''Oh what is it Laurence?''' I love you'' I said.........

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