Chapter 3

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“What is with everyone staring at us?!” Ville yelled into the silence.

                “Well… you are holding onto this young lady’s arm, and pretty tightly it would seem,” said a blonde guy with long dreadlocks.

                Ville looked at Raven and then down at her arm. He let go as he saw a wince of pain flash across her face. Raven gave a weak smile.

                “And seeing as she is quite beautiful, it’s no wonder people were staring.” Raven blushed slightly at the compliment as the man got up and held out his hand. “Hi my name is Linde. These other people are Mika, who is the sturdily built, bearded man, who also has the fortune of playing the drums.”

                “Yes but you have the misfortune of playing a guitar,” retorted Mika. “Now if there’s a gentleman to be had, all you need do is ask.”

                “Anyway,” continued Linde as if there was no interruption, “Burton plays the thing with the black and white keys. You know, that thing that makes pretty noises…?”

                Raven looked at him like he was stupid, and rolled her eyes. “Uh, the piano?”

“Yes! That exactly!”

Burton too rolled his eyes before getting up and shaking Raven’s hand. “Nice to meet you.”

“Thank you.”

“Well, the last man is Mige, who plays bass. He came to us one night in a dream, and said—”

“Oh whatever,” interrupted said man. “We’ve known each other. We met at a bar.”

The guys were all looking at Mige and Linde until they heard a muffled sound. They turned and found Raven doubled over and holding her sides. There were tears in her eyes from laughing so hard.

After the guys had signed autographs, Raven walked around town with them. She was too excited to talk much, so she just listened to the guys. It was mostly Linde and Ville but they talked more about their adventures with Bam Margera.

Raven was trying so hard to not let her emotions show. She wanted to scream and yell around that she was now friends with Ville Valo! Her mind couldn’t slow down. So far in the conversation she could only laugh and smile.

Suddenly Raven jumped as she felt an arm around her shoulders. It gave her a quick squeeze as she looked up to see Ville at her side. Raven hadn’t noticed that she’d fallen behind. He’s come back to see what was wrong as the rest of the guys continued on.

“What’s wrong? You’ve been kinda quiet this whole time.”

“There’s nothing wrong,” she said slowly. “Just thinking.”

He smiled at her. “Well if you need somewhere to think, I know a place. Let’s go.”

Raven didn’t feel certain about leaving Linde in charge of the others, walking on their own. Ville saw the uncertainty in her eyes and was quick to reassure her before dragging her down a side alley. As they walked Ville told Raven about his childhood. He’d been a normal child who had grown up listening to music. When he was a teenager he’d started a band, switched some members (until the current lineup) and became famously known as the lead singer of HIM.

Ville stopped at a large two-story house with a lion-shaped hand knocker on the door. Raven was curious to know why they had stopped there when Ville just opened the door and walked right in. Then she realized that it must be his house.

She walked in after him and stood in the front hall. Raven couldn’t help thinking that his house would be the most wonderful house to live in, and not just because it was Ville Valo’s house. It was creepy and gothic in just the right areas. It was also dark, but maybe that was because the lights were off, Raven though.

She then followed Ville up a case of stairs, down a hallway and up another staircase. They walked through another door and out into a semi-blinding day. They were on the roof.

“So, this is your thinking place?”

“Yes. Isn’t the view great? I come up here all the time, when the guys aren’t her and whenever we’re home. But of course they don’t know about my rooftop getaway. If they did, I’d have to kill them! It’s my only sane place.”

He said the last part laughingly and Raven knew he was just kidding. From what he’d told her earlier he loved his bandmates like family and would easily come to grief if anything were to happen to any of them.

‘If only he could like me even that much,’ Raven thought wistfully.

They walked to the ledge at the edge of the roof. Raven leaned on it while Ville jumped up and sat on it. He looked at her as she stared as hard as she could at the town below. After a few minutes Raven couldn’t take it anymore. She looked up and into his eyes, which stared into her own.

“What? What are you staring at? Is there something wrong?”

“I was just thinking how lovely you look, especially in the light.”

Raven blushed and looked at the setting sun. “You know, I’m a wrestler, and if you’re not careful, I might have to kick your ass for joking around.”

“Oh I’m scared now!” He laughed, which made Raven smile.

He quieted down and they both watched the sun in a contented silence.

The phone kept ringing and after ten rings she decided to hang up. If the other girl wasn’t going to answer, she certainly wouldn’t bother with her anymore. But she had to tell someone!

‘She’s probably off looking for that horrible man from that band,’ Brandi thought for the millionth time as she walked into the other room.

On the couch was the man she had fallen in love with and just as quickly out of love with. She still liked him but he was boring and some other girl was being all possessive about him. Her name was Beth or Bethany or something like that. Either way, Brandi didn’t care anymore. That slut wasn’t even worthy enough competition and Brandi could beat her if it came to a fight.

As she finished packing her suitcases, Johnny walked into the room. He stood watching until he realized what she was doing.

“Are we going somewhere?”

“No we aren’t,” Brandi said flatly. “I am leaving you. Of course you’ll be in the care of that skank Beth or whoever the hell she is.”

“Yes,” she continued, “I see the way you look at her. You just can’t quit staring or wipe that drool off your chin.”

Johnny stared at her, his brown eyes wide. He was dumbfounded that she was leaving. He hadn’t expected Brandi to find out about Bethanie.

“Besides, I’ve found a new man. He’s smart, handsome and more of a man than you’ll ever hope to be. Plus, he’s a man with manners. He knows how to treat a woman right.”

“So,” she paused for breath, “goodbye Johnny. Have a good life with that wench.”

With that Brandi walked out of her life with Johnny and into a new one with Thomas.

“Hey babe. You ready?”

She smiled up at him. “Of course.”

They then jumped into his car and sped off.

Your Sweet Six Six Six (Ville Valo Love Story, Part 1)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat