Chapter 7

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All through the rest of the week, Raven and Ville were inseparable. They went everywhere together and did everything together. Most of the time they were alone but on Wednesday and Thursday they hung out with the band. As Sunday rolled around once again Raven was contemplating when she should tell them that she was leaving. But she really didn’t want to leave. Suddenly Ville walked in and sat down next to Raven on the bed. He looked at her before speaking.

“Hey babe, what’s up?”

Maybe it would be best to tell him. “Hey…. I was just thinking that there’s something I need to tell you.”

“Hmm? What would that be? That you’re leaving me for Linde?”

Raven laughed weakly. “No. On Wednesday I’m leaving. I’m going back home.”

“Is that all? You had me worried.”

“Don’t you care? I mean, I’m not going to see you anymore.”

He held her hands in his and looked into her eyes.  “I do care. But that’s what planes and email and regular mail are for. We will stay in touch.”

Raven had forgotten about all those things in her sadness. She just wouldn’t be used to not seeing Ville every day.

Monday came and Raven started packing her things. She went all around Ville’s house looking for some of her things that had gotten misplaced. She walked through the rooms and different memories played like a film in her mind. When she’d first met Ville and then the band. The meals they’d shared and all the fun they’d had. Raven sat down on the couch in the living room after she’d been through the whole house. She just didn’t want to leave. She also knew that if she tried to stay her parents would be mad. She didn’t want that to happen.

But there was a way to take some of this new home with her. She would make a scrapbook! Raven jumped up and ran to her room. She tore through her clothes and her room looking for her camera but she couldn’t find it anywhere. Damn! Just when she’d thought she’d figured something out, it didn’t work. Raven gave up and decided to go buy a disposable camera the next day. In the meantime she’d clean up the house. Ville was out for the day and it was the least she could do for all his kindness and love.

In an hour, Raven was exhausted and sitting on the couch once again. She’s just barely finished the living room. ‘Ville doesn’t need a clean house,’ she thought. ‘He got along just fine before I came. And the house was just as dirty.’ She lay down and instantly fell asleep. Night fell as Raven slept and with it came the boys. They came in through the back door and made so much noise that Raven awoke with a start. At first she thought robbers had gotten in but soon realized it was just the guys when she heard Ville’s voice.

Raven walked to the kitchen and found them all making food. Linde was scrambling eggs. Gas and Mige were putting something in the microwave. Burton was frying potatoes and Ville was frying bacon. All in all, the kitchen smelled good. Raven’s mouth started to water.

Ville looked up as Raven walked in. “Hey Raven. Where were you? We were yelling for you but when you didn’t answer we got worried.”

Burton snorted. “Yeah, whatever. You were just too lazy to go find her.”

“I was sleeping, for your information, when I heard you idiots banging around in here.” She stopped and yawned. “I thought we were being robbed. And thanks for coming to find me. What if I had been kidnapped while you were gone? You wouldn’t even have known?”

Ville came over and kissed Raven on the cheek. “Well you weren’t and that’s all that matters. Plus, you would’ve known if the house was being robbed or broken into.  There’s a security system that engages when night falls.”

“Oh. That makes me feel so much better.”

“Anyway, are you hungry? Have you eaten dinner yet?”

“No. Actually I was waiting for you.”

Ville smiled. “Aw, how sweet. So do you like bacon breakfast burritos?”

“I love bacon!” All the guys laughed and brought their various foods to the center counter. It seems Mige and Gas had been warming up tortillas for the burritos.

They all grabbed plates, made burritos and headed to the living room. They plopped down all over the place and turned the TV on. Linde had the remote and kept switching through the channels. Burton beat him with a pillow until he gave up the remote. Ville then beat Burton with another pillow, causing a pillow fight to break out.

Raven was, of course, victorious. She grabbed the remote and put it on a scary movie. Gas and Linde fell on the floor, exhausted, only to fall right asleep. Mige and Burton sat on the couch and Burton fell asleep too. Ville sat down next to Raven and held her in his arms. Mige fell asleep as the clock chimed midnight. Raven and Ville were now the only ones awake.

“We have to be out again tomorrow. I hope you don’t mind,” Ville whispered in Raven’s ear. It sent shivers down her spine.

“No, not too much. Just as long as you get me a camera before you leave.”

“Why do you want a camera?”

“So I can take pictures of course! I don’t want to forget what everything looks like.”

“Of course. I’ll get you one, sweetheart.” Ville kissed Raven and held her tighter. “Now get some sleep so I can get you a camera sooner.”

She smiled sleepily. “Okay. Goodnight Ville.”

“Goodnight Raven.”

Your Sweet Six Six Six (Ville Valo Love Story, Part 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora