Chapter 5

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Raven woke up feeling disoriented. She was in a big bed in a strange room. Then she suddenly remembered where she was. At first she thought it had been a dream. She was gonna live with Ville Valo! That was definitely dream material but here she was in his bed. What if she was still sleeping? So she leaped out of bed and walked downstairs. Everything looked real enough. She pinched her arm and arrived at the conclusion she really was awake because that pinch hurt.

               Downstairs she encountered Burton. Apparently he had stayed the night because his clothes were all crumpled. Now Raven really knew she was awake.

“Good morning. Did you sleep well?” Burton was very animated for this early in the morning.

“Morning. I don’t even remember falling asleep last night,” she said grumpily.

“Yeah you were way tired from all that running around we did yesterday. But if you stay with us you’ll get used to it,” he laughed, and went on. “It happened to us too, even though we’ve lived here pretty much our whole lives.”


“Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to find the restroom.”

“Bye.” Raven walked on to the kitchen to see if she could get something to eat. Her stomach hurt  because she was so hungry.

In the kitchen Linde and Mige were sleeping at the counter. Raven walked over to them and poked Linde in the side. At first he didn’t move then Raven kept poking him until he was up and awake.

Linde sat and looked at her, blinking his eyes owlishly. It took him a few moments to get his bearings. “Man, why you doing that? I was awake.”

“No you weren’t. You were dead asleep.”

“Whatever. What do you want?”

“Where’s the stuff for breakfast?”

Linde was mad now. “Dammit! You woke me up for that?! Jesus, you could’ve dug around and looked for yourself! Ville was making breakfast anyways.”

“Well this isn’t my house,” Raven retorted, and walked out of the kitchen. She wandered down the hall and to the living room where she plopped onto the couch. Turning on the TV, Raven flipped through the channels and found nothing but infomercials. Finally she got back to where she’d started and decided lay on the couch, and promptly fell asleep.

Back in the kitchen Ville had returned from buying food. He tried not to be too loud putting away some of the food and getting out others for breakfast. But for all his sneakiness, Linde sat up and grumbled.

“Quit trying to sneak around. You know you were never any good at it. Anyway,” he continued, “your girl came looking for you.”

“Actually she came in here looking for breakfast.” Now it was Mige’s turn to sit up and grumble.

“If you’re talking about Raven, she’s not my girl. And why didn’t you make her breakfast? You know where everything is.”

Mige smiled slightly and pointed at Linde. “This jerk was too tired and told Miss Raven off for waking him up.”

“Then why didn’t you make her something?”

“Because I was barely awake.”

Linde was not about to let Mige get the upper hand. “You were awake enough to listen, weren’t you? Then you should’ve gotten up.”

“Both of you shut up! It’s already past so get over it and let me make breakfast.” Ville had started to get annoyed when he heard that neither of his friends want to be helpful.

Your Sweet Six Six Six (Ville Valo Love Story, Part 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang