Chapter 2

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At the hotel, Raven felt kind of lonely but only for a second. She was kind of happy because now she wouldn’t have to worry about Brandi nagging. She could nag on just about anything. Before they had left the KCI Airport, she was nagging about how ugly Raven’s guy was. Raven had just about smacked her across the face when their flight started boarding. Now she could explore and look for him all by herself. And according to his band’s website, they should be there that very day.

Raven got up off her bed and started to unpack her bags. She wanted to be settled in case her teacher called asking if she’d checked in yet. Besides she had at least two hours before he’d be at the local bar. Knowing herself she’d probably get lost without someone to guide her. This was gonna take awhile.

As Raven got to the front desk, she couldn’t remember if she had her key or not. She stood in front of the counter and searched her pockets.

“Hello. May I help you?” asked a heavily accented male voice.

“Umm… I need directions to the bar,” Raven stated without looking up from her search.

“Would you like a guide?”

“Yeah, that would be… helpful.”

“Alright, just a moment please.”

Raven stood there and fidgeted in her pockets until she just gave it up. She hadn’t found her key. Maybe it had fell out of her pocket on the way down. Oh well. She looked up and saw a man putting a jacket on. He turned around and Raven’s heart dropped into her stomach. It was him!

“Oh, are you gonna be my guide?” she asked in surprise.

“Yeah. I am obligated to show visitors around when working at the counter. Actually I think it’s kinda fun. I get to meet so many new people.”


“What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I just swallowed my gum.”

“Do you need a drink or something?” Raven blushed. “No I’m completely fine now. Thank you though.”

“You’re welcome. Well, if you’re ready?” He looked at her and she nodded. “Just stay close so you don’t get lost.”

Of course she would stay close. Who wouldn’t if they were this close to him? Raven shivered as his arm bumped hers as they made their way out into the evening. She suddenly had an insane urge to grab his hand and never let go. But she was abruptly brought back to Earth as he asked her a question.             “Hm? What did you say?”

“What’s your name?” he repeated patiently.

“It’s Raven. What’s yours?” She asked with a barely-masked smile on her lips.

He held his hands over his heart in mock-hurt. “You don’t know who I am?”

“Hmm… let me think. Are you Billie Joe?” she asked slyly.

“No. Let me give you a clue. I’m in a band.”

“That narrows it down a lot. Not. So what’s your name?”

“Fine Ms. Smarty-Pants, my name is Ville Valo.”

“I thought I recognized you!” Raven said in fake surprise and ruined it by laughing.

“Very funny. So what has brought you to Helsinki, this wonderful city of ours?”

“My class decided to take a class trip. We all split up in pairs and went to different countries in Europe. My friend, Brandi, and I wanted to come here. But I was lucky and got rid of her early. She really didn’t want to go walking around with me, looking—”

There was an abrupt, awkward pause in which they kept walking. After awhile they came to a building that Ville stopped in front of. It looked like a bar to Raven, so she decided it was. But now that she was here she didn’t know what to do. She had wanted to come here to find him and had instead ending up walking with him.

“Shall we go in then?” he asked, offering his arm.

Raven took it and very simply said, “Of course.”

They walked in together, arm in arm. Then they noticed something odd: everyone was staring at them. It was mostly the girls, who were glaring at Raven, who suddenly remembered that she was walking with only the hottest European rockstar.

‘Haha!’ she laughed at them silently. After all, she had come here to find him. Instead he had found her!

Ville walked through the place, leading Raven to a private room. They went through the door and came upon the rest of the band.

Your Sweet Six Six Six (Ville Valo Love Story, Part 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang