Meeting Green and Vaati

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  Green pov


Hi I'm green lior I am 18 years old and I have a idiot for a twin brother.

"Blue get your ass up before we're late!" I yelled.

"Shut up or I'll make you!!" He yelled back.

Ugh I don't have time for this! "whatever I'm leaving!"I yelled back and walked out but not without slamming the front door.
I pull out my phone and call my boyfriend.
On the third ring he picked up. "Hey bae can you pick me up?" I asked.
"Sure" he answered me. "K see you in a bit" I hung up.

Well while I wait for I guess I can tell you more about me. I'm student council president, I live with my dad and twin brother, my little brother I haven't seen since 7 years lives with or mom. Our parents got a divorce and our dad got mine and my brothers custody while my mom was quickly granted my little brothers custody. I'm a senior in hyrule high. Oh,
looks like my boyfriend is here!

Vaati pov

I worked up and looked at my clock and saw it was 5️⃣:5️⃣2️⃣.

Yes right before my alarm went off! Hey my names Vaati and my favorite thing to do is plan world domination:) Oh I'm kidding I stop thinking about that after meeting my amazing boyfriend. But anyways I have red eyes and natural lavender hair yeah I know 'ew that's creepy blah blah blah' I don't  care about you haters your just jelly of me.

Any how enough of that. I get up and walked to my dresser and grabed my clothes and changed in the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I walked into my room and hear my phone ringing.

Ding ding dong ding din-"hey bae can you come pick me up?" He asked."sure" I answered back " k see you in a bit" he hunged up and I walked to my front boor and grabed my keys, wallet, and backpack.

I enter my car and drove to my boyfriends house or should I say penthouse? I'll say penthouse.

"Hey sweetie, you look beautiful as ever" green said to me.

"Thank bae" I smiled at him.

"You welcome now move to the passager seat" green reply back.

"Man, when are you gonna let me drive when your with me?" I retorted back.

"The day I stop loving you" he smiled at me. "Damn you and your flirting words!"

I moved over to the other seat and he got in and drove to school. We arrived at school and walked in to get our schedules and before we got their we ran into our friends and saw we all had the same first period.


Hey thank for reading this crazy story I know you want more things to happen but I promise that the next chapter is the last of our intros. Yes I mean SHADOW *everyone cheers in background*

K bye my violent roses

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