The calm before the storm [the game!]

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Words: 2577
not that long but meh. Merry whatever-you-celebrate~ yes update it just in time! I think!
I can tell that some of you are worried about what the title says~ Mwahahahahhahaha

~Vio's POV~

The date with Shadow was wonderful. I had such a great time, I have to admit, I kinda like being spoiled, but only a little bit. I don't want him spending so much money on me.

Huh? Oh Red sent all of us a message in our group chat.

(B=blue, G=green, R=red, V=Vaati, S=shadow, and Vi=Vio)

R- Hey guys I was thinking and I don't have work this Friday night because of some sick days I never used and I was thinking that maybe if anyone was available to go to the football game.

B- babe I'm on the team! But that's cool u can finally c me play

G- well I'll be there to hahaha

S- so will I XD

V- ya I'm also free Friday

Vi- well I'm in the marching band so I'll have to sit with the band.

Vi- maybe we can hangout afterwards?

R- yea that sounds like a amazing idea

V- I'm up for it

B- whatever y'all want

S- I want something to come out of the blue!!!


Vi- blue calm down.

Vi- you suck more at spelling then usual.

B- u 2 Vio

V- okay guys stop fighting or whatever ur doing the real thing we need to know is what r we going to after the game

G- how about we get some McDonalds and go to the park

B- yea Ben a while since we done that

Vi- the memories.

B- yep

S- what r y'all guys talking about?

G- we used to go get McDonalds and go to the park that's a few miles away and eat and run around the playground

B- we will do this around 11pm or 12am

R- sounds like a plan

V- I'm up for it

S- as long as I get to kiss Vio under the moon light I'm good


B- don't be going to far with my little brother shadow

G- yea

S- I think it's Vio's choice wether or not he wants to do it

S- I respect his decision and I won't force him to do something he doesn't like

Vi- shadows right it is my decision but I'm happy you two care for me

G- I know but my brotherly instincts are telling me that your to young to date

Vi- and that I'm to young to be a senior but I am

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