HELLOween darling

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Sorry for the long wait but my grandpa died and school got a lot more harder cause of the up coming STAAR test, so I was very busy.

  -Shadows POV-

Me and Vio have been doing very well now that that sorry stupid excuse of a father is gone. I hope he gets raped in jail. I know, I know. That's to mean, but that fucker tried to rape my Vio! But all I truly care for now is that my Violet is safe, and with us.

His bullet wound is healing very well. All of us are getting along very well. soon we'll all graduate high school and it turns out that we all plan to attend two different university's that are close to each other. I know, very cliche. But this university football and soccer teams are amazing and the other university culinary programs are through the roofs, and the best artist came from that university. Vio plans to do business and art, Red is doing culinary, me and Blue are going in for football, Green is going to football and soccer, Vaati is doing business. Or at least that's the plan. Still got the rest of this semester and 2nd semester, But its Halloween weekend! Tomorrow is Halloween and I got my costume ready to go! The school is holding a Halloween bash in the big gym. Can't wait to see Vio in his costume! We're going as the members of Voltron.

---next morning---

I woke up thanks to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I sat up and walked to the bathroom to take a shower. After I got out I grabbed a pair of jeans and a random shirt. Pulling on my socks and sneakers I grab my keys and headed out. We planned to go out to eat breakfast together at Whataburger. I drove to the Lior residence, and knocked on the door really hard to annoy Blue or Green.

The door swung open to reveal Blue with a annoyed face. He was wearing a blue sleeveless shirt and boot cut jeans and blue Nikes.

"Sup, dude!" I said to him as bro fisted.

"Hey" He turns and calls out, "Shadow's here! Let's go!" Green walked into the living room. He was wearing a lime green long sleeve, blue jeans, and green vans.

"Hey Shadow" he said as we did that handshake-hug thingy.

Then Vio comes from his room wearing that purple shirt from camp Jupiter, light purple jeans that turn galaxy at the bottom, and purple vans. He walked up to me and kissed me hello.
"Hey, sugar" I said when we pulled apart, wrapping my arms around his waist. He smiled at me and said, "hey"
"Ehem! I think we should be going now!" Green said. I rolled my eyes and we walked to the elevator and into my minivan.

i drove to Vaati's place and i walked out and knocked on the door and Vaati's gaurdean opened the door and smiled at me and turned around and called Vaati. Vaati ran up to the front door and waved good bye as we entered the van and drove to Red's house. before i even walked out the van with blue, Red came rushing out yelling out good bye to his parents and raced inside the van giving us a wave and hello, but gave blue a kiss hello.

he crawled to the back with Vaati and the chatted and Blue and Vio switch places so blue was in the passenger seat and vio crawled to the very back with the two others and they all talk about different things. Blue, Green, and me talked about our sports and getting into a argument about with sport is better. Basketball is way better than soccer and football. 

I drive to the nearest Whataburger and parked the van and we exit the vehicle and walked to the fast food restaurant and Blue opened the door for us. When I walked in and said to Blue, "oh my, what a gentleman!" I laugh and he punched my arm and said "shut up!" As the others chuckle and laugh.

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