Entry Six

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I wasn't really sure what semiformal meant exactly, and when I looked through my meagre closet of worn blue jeans and grey t-shirts I was pretty sure that semiformal meant something other than what I had. So without any other options I went to find Livvy and Ty, hoping they would know what I should wear to the theatre. When I had asked them what I should wear both Livvy and Ty seemed much too excited and started talking excitedly to each other. After a few moments they seemed to have reached an agreement on what I should wear and Livvy ran out of the room, leaving me alone with Ty.

"Where is she going?"I asked.

Ty smiled a very mischievous smile, "To go get your outfit."

"And what is my outfit?"

Ty just grinned even more. "You'll see it soon enough."

Just as Ty finished speaking, Livvy came flying back into the room with a giant black mass of fur hefted under one arm. "Here," She said a little breathlessly. "Try it on."Livvy tossed me the ball of fur.

As I unraveled it I realized it wasn't just a big piece of fake black fur, but a long overcoat that would reach to about my knees. It seemed a little too formal to me.

"Go on," Livvy shooed me over to the washroom. "Go try it on!"

The coat felt silky and cold over my shoulders, and when I looked in the mirror it looked as if someone had cut a piece of the night sky down and laid in over me like a blanket. As I did up the buttons I couldn't help but think about what the others would be wearing, would they all have similar fur coats?

When I came out of the washroom, Ty and Livvy erupted into giggles.

I frowned. "Is there something wrong with it?"

Livvy smiled. "Oh no, it's perfect. Come on you need to get downstairs or you all will be late to the theatre." She grabbed my hand and drug me out of the room with Ty following close behind, still muffling his snickers. They weren't lying to me about semiformal, right?

Reaching the stairs, I looked down to where Julian, Cristina and Emma were waiting. Both Emma and Cristina were wearing dresses and Julian was wearing a black three piece suit. They all looked very professional, I looked down at my coat then over at Livvy and Ty who were sitting at the edge of the railing. Ty gave me a thumbs up and Livvy made shooing gestures with her hands. Oh well, I guessed I better get down there. As I descended the stairs I heard Cristina gasp and Julian spin to stare at me.

"Mark," He said with disbelief. "What are you wearing?"

I was a little puzzled. "Ty and Livvy told me this was semiformal."

Julian sighed. "And I told you not to trust them!"

This puzzled me even more, why shouldn't I trust my family?

Emma's lips were twitching, like she was trying to stop herself from smiling. "Mark, just go back up the landing okay?" Then she turned to Jules. "You have to find him something else to wear."

"You think?" Julian snorted.

Emma looked exasperated. "Jules. Go to my room, okay? In the trunk at the foot of the bed there are some of my parent's old clothes. My dad wore a tux to his wedding, there were rune bands around the cuffs but we can rip those off."

"But your dad's tux-" He protested.

"It's fine, it isn't doing any good in the trunk gathering dust." She finished for him.

Julian sighed again and came jogging up the stairs to me. "Come on." I couldn't tell if he was upset with me or not.

Before following him down the hall I gave one more look down the stairs to where Emma and Cristina were still standing, Cristina's face was a cooked lobster red.

Lady Midnight from Mark's POVWhere stories live. Discover now