Entry Ten

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My head was pounding as the conversation in the library swirled around me. I knew I should be listening, I knew that whatever they were saying must be important, but I couldn't bring myself to really hear what they were saying. I pressed my head down onto the cool wood of the table, and didn't look up until Drusilla came flying in.

Her face was flushed from running, and she looked very anxious. When I asked if everything was alright she just nodded frantically and bounded across the room to Julian.

"What do you need me for?" Dru asked breathlessly.

Julian looked puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"I was down on the beach with Tavvy and then he came and said that you had to talk to me right away. So I came running back-"

"What?" Julian seemed truly stunned. "I didn't send anyone to get you, Dru."

"But he said..." Drusilla's voice began to wobble. " He said if I ran back,he'd walk Tavvy home. He gave him a toy. He's watched Tavvy before, I don't understand,what's wrong?"

"Dru," Julian's voice was controlled. "Who is 'he'? Who has Tavvy?"

Drus swallowed and her face was filled with pure terror. "Malcolm," She said. "Malcolm has him."

Julian's face lost all colour, and I had no idea why. I had heard Julian and Emma talking about Malcolm before, but they had never said anything bad about him. For what they had said about him, he was just a love sick warlock who lived a few miles away and had been trying to help with the investigation the best he could. They said he was a good person.

"I don't understand," Dru said speaking my very thoughts. "What's happening?"

All around the table tension was flowing. Cristina and Diego, who had shown up from Mexico for some unknown reason were standing like they were made of porcelain. Livvy had gotten up and was hugging Drusilla. Ty hand pulled some scraps of something from his pocket and was almost attacking it with his hands, trying in vain to let go of some of his fear. And Julian, Julian looked as if his world had imploded. I cursed at myself silently for not paying attention to the earlier conversation, if I had listened I would know what was going on, I wouldn't be as lost as Dru.

"But why?" Dru whispered. "Why did Malcolm take Tavvy? Why are you all so upset?"

It was Emma who spoke her voice choked. "Dru, Malcolm is the one we've been looking for. He's the murderer. And he took Tavvy-"

"For Blackthorn blood," said Julian. "The last sacrifice. Blackthorn blood to bring back a Blackthorn."

Dru fell back into Livvy's arms, sobbing.Everything was happening so quickly and I was so confused, but I knew the only thing that mattered right now was Tavvy. That warlock had taken my little brother and there was no way I was going to let that fly. My hands started to shake.

"Wait," Dru was furiously smearing the tears off her face. "Malcolm gave me a note to give to you, he said it was private."

Julian took the slip of paper from her, his eyes blazing.

"What does it say?" I almost didn't want to know.

Julian read the words aloud. "I WILL RAISE YOU, ANNABEL LEE."

And with that the room exploded around us.

A bolt of black light burst for the paper in Jules' hand and shot towards the roof, smashing through the skylight like it was tissue paper. Plaster chunks and shards of glass fell like rain. The room rocked back and forth like it was in the middle of the sea, and Julian let out a little screech as he dropped the paper then brought his heel down onto it. Then everything stopped dead.

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