Chapter One The Grand Heist

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'How could I be able to forget what happened over these past few months? I was the romantic interest of a cop turned Master Jewel thief. I was his prime obsession, I was trapped in that jewelry store for three months. I had no idea what to think...' "Okay, boys, park the van over there. We go in as normal, then if they refuse to cooperate, we pull out the guns. Now, move out." A man said

"Good morning, Annabeth, it's good to see you again." The owner said

"Mr. Mackenzie, I asked that you call me Anna." I said

"I apologize, Miss Becker." Mr. Mackenzie said

'More customers had come into the store, whereas the men behind the heist in progress, were waiting in the wings...'

"May I help you gentlemen with anything?" Mr. Mackenzie asked

"Yes, it's my wife's birthday and I was wondering what you would recommend?" The man said

'I looked closely at his hand, I didn't see a wedding band on his finger. And then I knew something wasn't quite right...'

"Excuse me, but if you're married, then why aren't you wearing a wedding band?" I asked

"My hands get sweaty, so I locked it away in the glove compartment of my van where I know it won't get lost." The man said

"I see, so how long have you been married?" I asked

"We were married for about eight months, and when we found out she couldn't have kids, she filed for divorce. It's the only thing I have left of her. So I take it you aren't married?" He asked

"No, but I was engaged, although it lasted about three months, when Rick decided to run off with my cousin to Vegas. After they took my car, when he left me at the altar. But I've put that behind me." I said trying as hard as I could to fight back my tears "So your cousin and ex fiancé stole your car and drove all the way to Vegas?" He said

"So, did you find anything that was to your liking, Mr.?..." Mr. Mackenzie asked

"Okay, here's the truth, my wife left me about three months ago. Put all the jewels and cash in the bag, now. And all you customers, down on your knees, put your hands behind your head, this is a robbery. Do as I say and no one gets hurt. Gomez, Montoya." He called

'The cold commanding tone in his voice, I remembered that I had seen his face somewhere, then it hit me...'

"You're ex cop turned jewel thief Marco Gutierrez. You're wanted for a string of Jewelry store and bank heists." I said

"Such a clever young woman, so you know who I am, yet, I have no idea who you are." Marco said kneeling beside me, tying my wrists together behind my head

"Like I'm going to tell a psychopath who I am." I said turning away from him

"You have a fiery passion within you. And that kind of seriousness turns me on something fierce." Marco said pulling me close to him

"Let her go." Mr. Mackenzie said

"Cállate, abuelo, o vamos a golpe la tapa de los sesos." Gomez said

"No, please. Don't hurt him. Mr. Mackenzie took me in after my father was murdered. Please. He's all I have. Mr. Gutierrez, I'm begging you." I said, tears forming in my eyes

"Detrás lejos del anciano. No estamos para dañar a nadie a menos que sea necesario." Marco said, putting his hand on my shoulder

"Si, señor." Gomez and Montoya said, backing away from Mr. Mackenzie

'It was just the beginning of what was to be a long heist. I had no choice but to be at the unwilling mercy of Gutierrez. I was scared for my life and the other hostages trapped inside Crown Jewelers. Only a miracle could save us now...'

~End of Chapter One~

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