Chapter Five The Tunnel

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'Three weeks had gone by, Gomez and Gutierrez had started working on an underground tunnel, while I stayed handcuffed to a water pipe while they dug. It was then I saw Jared sneak his way into the room, I then made an excuse to get out of the cuffs...' "Let me guess, bathroom break? You get half an hour. But make it quick, if you can." Gomez said, unlocking the cuff, and returning to the tunnel

'I walk over creeping near Jared, I look over at Gutierrez as I pretend to move away from him..'

"Jared, what are you doing here? According to my power hungry murder happy fiancé, you were killed when he shot you, we should try and keep it that way." I said

"Meet me in the bathroom, I found a way we could get out." Jared whispered.

'I had quickly followed him into the bathroom locking the door as Jared led the other hostages, we had climbed one by one out the window, then I heard a gunshot at the bathroom lock, Gutierrez and Gomez, grab me by my arms, dragging me outside after bashing my head against the bathroom mirror, locking the bathroom window after bringing the other hostages back into the store, I was then handcuffed to Gutierrez, while he and Gomez continued working on the tunnel..'

"That should keep you from trying to get away again, cariña." Marco said, grasping the other wrist in his tightening grip.

"That hurts!" I said, digging my nails into his arm, slapping him away

"Listen, mami, none of us will get out of this unless you cooperate with me. Got it?" Marco said

"Yes, I apologize for the way I acted... I promise I won't ever defy you again." I said

"You're forgiven, Annabeth." Marco said

"How did you know that's what Anna was short for?" I asked

"I pulled up your file on the customer database, turns out your dad died when you were eight, and your mother-- married Wilfred Mackenzie, as in the manager of this store?" Marco asked

"Look, Wilfred adopted me as his daughter after he married my mother, okay? He was the next thing I had to a father after mine died." I said

"I see. My parents abandoned me, my brothers and sisters, I was left to raise them, I lost all but two brothers and sisters each then they grew up, moved out and I ended up being shot at after I enlisted in the army." Marco said

"You were a former soldier before you were a cop and current jewel thief?" I asked stifling a laugh

"Yeah, I'm cold because of what I learned in the army, I have battle scars from my chest down to my--" Marco paused

"Okay, I don't think I need a visual to where it ends." I said, placing my hand over his mouth

"Right. So, now you know my life story, and I know a bit of yours." Marco said unlocking the cuffs

"Is this really what you want, to live your life as a fugitive that people want to see spending the rest of his days behind bars?" I asked

"I just have to be faster than the authorities." Marco said

"Before you became this criminal, you were the authorities, Gutierrez." I said

"You're right, Anna. You bring out the good in me, and I don't want that to disappear, dulce  Anna. What we have created here is a deep connection, un asunto del corazón, an affair of the heart, I can tell that deep down inside you care for me, cariña. We shouldn't let this connection slip past us." Marco said, pulling me in closer

"So, this is what it's like to fall for a criminal..." I said, looking into his brown eyes.

'I start to pull away, but he gently takes hold of my wrist, I put my hand on his chest, the beat of his heart bounced softly against my hand, he then lifted my head so I could meet his gaze, I take another look at the back of his shoulder blade..'

"You have a tattoo.." I said

"Yeah, it was for Bela, and she left me before I could show her, that's when I enlisted in the army. To fight against the pain of losing her." Marco said

'I placed my hand on his shoulder, I could sense the heartbreak and sadness in his eyes. I helped him to his feet, and treated his wounds, as he then helped me clean the blood from where Gomez had smashed my head into the glass..' 

"Gomez wasn't supposed to bash your head into that mirror, I ordered them not to hurt you. He broke his word to me. I will have to talk with him on my terms later, mi ángel." Marco said

'Gutierrez had gently pulled me toward him, holding me only by the waist, it was then he had kissed me, softly, passionately and I didn't pull away, I had no idea why, but I found myself drawn to a master jewel thief, even if I reminded him of my long-lost twin sister and his ex-wife. Gomez and Montoya had appeared, clearing their throats as I quickly pulled away, looking over at the opposite wall... as they continued the tunnel, I felt too embarrassed to look over at Gutierrez, at least with his minions lurking around...'

~End of Chapter Five~


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